Relating the film: The Blow of the Destination with the boarding of Hospital Psychology and the relation of the doctor with its patient. When analyzing the history of the doctor Jack Meckee of the film the Blow of the Destination is interesting to start to understand through the development of its illness, therefore she was this made that it to change radically its way to think and to act in relation to its patients, its family and its environment of work, beyond having wisely chosen, the correct way to teach to the respect and the human value for its residents, concern this that it involves the futures professionals of the health. At the beginning of the film (before the discovery of the larngeo cancer), one perceives that the patient who was being operated for the Meckee, was not duly respected for its surgical team, for the fact of these to be playing with the body of the youngster and the reason of its fatality, demonstrating in such a way, a principle that many proper doctors attribute itself as: the onipotncia and the finitude. However, nor all think thus, since, the Bloomfield doctor it treated its Serge patient with very well-taken care of and if it worried in saying all the procedures of its type of treatment, since he was invasive. One another situation of depersonalization of the patient and reactions that this presents in the postoperative one, becomes perceivable in the case of the woman who was with the marks of the surgery made in the heart and the fact of this to be affecting its conjugal life (a psychological question that she can be characterized as a loss reaction, in this case of the beauty), what simply she was ignored by the Dr. Meckee, the disrespect is also perceived when it enters in the room and nor it mentions the name of.
July, 2015Archive for
Hospital Psychology
Friday, July 31st, 2015Understanding Functional Illiteracy
Thursday, July 30th, 2015The term functional illiteracy has been used this incapacity of people to use the reading and the writing, beyond carrying through basic calculations, in activities of the daily life that require such abilities. More recently, the scholars have preferred to work with the alfabetismo concept, taking it as complex phenomenon, that holds diverse degrees and dimensions. Many scholars have criticized the conception of reading as joint of generic abilities that, a time acquired can be applied to any situation; they have directed efforts to establish socially excellent task set libraries where if he uses written material e, from them, to dimensionar and to analyze degrees and types of alfabetismo that people or groups characterize. The ample use of the term functional illiteracy had it the UNESCO, used that it in the definition of alfabetizao adopted in 1978 aiming at to standardize static and to influence educative politics. In the ideological debate around the subject, the direction of the qualifying functionary was interpreted in such a way as a restriction of the alfabetizao the pragmatic ends, especially related to the professional qualification, how much as its approach to the interests of social sectors poor or oppressed and the projects of social transformation. Investment to learn more. Given the inevitable ambiguity of the concept, its mensurao and analysis need to be always referenciadas the specific contexts. INTRIGUING AND CURRENT REALITY For Moraes (2009), is not difficult coming across in them with people who exactly being ' ' alfabetizadas' ' they do not obtain to understand simple messages, as a letter, an acknowledgment, a periodical announcement. Or still, with colleges student of varied area-human beings, accurate, that declared texts or of questions in a test feel difficulties when interpreting, in competitions, takes what them to get resulted well below of the desired one. Understanding involves much more that decoding. Of the nothing it advances formulates to know it that it is used to decide definitive problem if it is not known as to solve it.
China Success
Monday, July 20th, 2015In this article I will go to give 10 important tips of As To matter of China. After to read the article gives one looked in post complete that I made in mine blog: As To import Products of China 1.Escolha its company with care. To take care of to fairs and international business-oriented fairs is an efficient form to take care of supplying potentials. This of the one has also glimpsed to it of the communication process when you make, eventually, to matter of China. 2. Unless the supplier can prove that they are an authorized peddler, not to buy products counterfeited or of mark. It confirms the supplier is qualified in contact with the proprietor of the mark. 3.
It knows its terminology and specific being. That is particularly important in the specification of the product, quality of the EAo. For example: clarification of, leather, AU versus, genuine leather, UA. 4. To guarantee that all the products that to matter of China to fulfill with the governmental regulations of the destination country. Insult of conformity of products can delay process significantly of compensation personalized and to result in customs duties and unexpected. 5.
To have good Chinese partners will be very important you To gain Money In the Internet. If you to want to matter successfully of China, you you will need people in the land with local contacts and you clink commercial place. 6. He verifies if you have a contract in IPortugus and Chins before mattering of China. You must know who accurately you you are paying the money. 7. If you only started to matter of China for its country, you give attention to the payment stated periods. The credit letter is many times used in the commerce with the suppliers importation in China. Contacte its bank to get details. 8. To have a good estimate of the cost of landing before placing its order with a supplier in China. It can have occult costs in the chain, to consult with a good company of importation of management for assistance. A simple strategy is to make a small test order. 9. The goods that you are going to matter of China can have of being packed in boxes wooden for the safe transport. Fumigation standard could be necessary before entering in the destination country. It argues with its corrector to get more details. 10. Finally, not to hurry itself in nothing. Although it can have pressure to speed up, to give to a long period of time the complete research. The product can until being cheaper in the following month or through a different supplier. For more information on the best form to matter of China, it visits the complete article in mine blog: As To import of China Success, Maurcio
Agricultural Quarter
Monday, July 20th, 2015Introduction In last the 50 years, the world passed for a series of transformations, the agricultural way that was the locomotive of the country per centuries, if modernized with the technologies created through the time. In against departure to the way of agricultural life it was losing space with the growth of the cities, the search for better jobs, wages, renderings of services, access to the health had contributed for the agricultural exodus, and, mainly the unemployment in the field. Ahead of this situation, the study of the Headboard of Backwaters, in the city of Amrico De Campos? S.P, offers the possibility to visualize the past and the gift of this space that mixture agricultural and urban aspects, brings history and culture and exemplifica in clear and real way the decay of these places in the Brasil.A contribution of this study inhabits in the analysis of the profile of the social groups that inhabit these spaces, with prominence for the loss of its cultural identity. To define basic concepts of agricultural quarter and agricultural district was one of the aspects that had made it difficult procedure of the research. This work has for general objective to understand relative aspects to the representations and relations developed in the quarter of the Headboard of Backwaters, where the progress did not contribute for the growth of the place. Beyond rescuing the history of the community, the work also analyzed and identified changes promoted in the region with passing of the years, beyond the problems faced for the inhabitants, among others. With analysis of this facts and others that had entered in question with the development of the work, was displayed part of history of quarter, analyzing this old community of city, and bringing to knowledge of population contents historical and geographic, that demonstrates the importance to know and to respect part of local history, without counting that facts cited in the article had brought the idea of that history and geography happen all in place, and are in the day the day of each one, and that the making great knowledge is not gift only in world-wide, told in pertaining to school books, but that these same events are in our proper community and city. .
South America
Monday, July 20th, 2015Land of sea, beaches of white sand, beautiful tropical views and the Sun, soft and warm.The thought of Barbados evokes images of deserted beaches, beauty and tropical fauna. Barbados is a land of bright sun and traditions. A multi-cultural Island, exotic food and history.It was a land of pirates and adventures, which has become a tourist destination par excellence.Barbados is also a land of modern technology and innovative medicine, which attracts international pacientes-visitantes throughout the year. Located in the Caribbean, Barbados is a land rich in history.Founded by the Indians, and then by the Portuguese and the Spanish, the island was colonized by England in the 1600s until it won its freedom from British rule in the mid 1960s.The motto of Barbados, is serve the people well, which has helped develop the small island and turn it into one of the destinations of the tourist world par excellence. Visitors seeking outdoor adventure, you can enjoy fishing on the high seas, canoeing, horseback riding, hiking, spend the day sleeping in the warm sandy beaches or scuba dive in the warm, clear, blue waters that surround the island.
In recent years, Barbados has become one of the most popular destinations to perform aesthetic tourism, international travelers from the United States, South America, South Africa and Europe.Cosmetic surgical procedures and plastics, and dental medicine and cosmetic dentistry, have attracted thousands of travelers to its sandy beaches and world class medical services.A multitude of medical centers, clinics and hospitals in Barbados are accredited by JCI, a U.S. International Agency.UU. It is estimated that almost 800 million patients travelled in 2010 to perform cosmetic surgeries and a large number of them, will travel to Barbados.