Chocoano Departments

REGIONAL types: In Colombia there are various regional types, result of factors as the geographical, the climate, the economic and cultural, each of which also has differential characteristics from the racial point of view. The main Colombian regional groups are: Chocoano: inhabits the Department of the choco. For even more details, read what MetLife says on the issue. Cundi-boyacense: Includes the inhabitants of the altiplano in the departments of Boyaca and Cundinamarca (excluding Bogota). Opita: Located in the Magdalena river (Tolima and huila). Santandereano: Inhabits the Santander.

Ranger: Inhabiting the region comprised of the departments of Arauca, Casanare, Vichada and goal. Paisa: This group has its axis of action in the Department of Antioquia and the zones colonized in the 19th century: Caldas, Risaralda, Quindio, norte del Valle and Tolima and Choco Northeast. Costeno: Encompasses the inhabitants of the region of the Caribbean, which are the result of an amalgam of ethnicities, cultures and traditions, since the region has been the gateway of culture to the country. Valle-caucano: Inhabiting the region comprising the Valle and Cauca departments. Pastuso: Includes the inhabitants of the Department of Narino.

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