Located on it, scientists are planning to make a series of experiments to determine whether it is possible to clean the oceans from plastic debris. Subject 'garbage island' is very relevant and exciting as environmentalists and scientists as well as the international community. Look at the scale of environmental problems 'garbage island' you can in our PHOTO: Island garbage Pacific Ocean. Pacific island countries at risk of flooding Experts United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have argued that if in the near future to take effective measures, raising sea levels, caused by global warming on the planet, could lead to flooding of Pacific island nations. At the present time, climate change is a serious problem that can lead to huge consequences in all walks of life and human development. This problem is particularly relevant now – during the global financial crisis, and the most prone to natural disasters is geographically Pacific. Further increase in temperature will lead to an increase in cases of natural hazards to which people will be facing island states.
Already, many residents of several coastal villages on Kiribati have been forced to flee their homes due to the onset of the sea. UN experts believe that this is only the beginning of large-scale flooding in the Pacific. Pakistan has set a new world record by planting trees New World record for the tree planting has established Pakistan. In the delta of the Indus River 300 Pakistani volunteers have planted over 24 541 176 seedlings of mangrove trees.