Don Quixote

Err is human; forgive, divine. The script is fuzzy; the comma if seve. You buy credit; We do it in cash. The moral forces are as physical ones: need be recoveries. That, at every step, lavish them lose them; have those who reserved them, with prudent economics, seniors at the right time.

Compliant employees will be thoroughly gratified; the erring only receive their salar customary. Sales increased a little; purchases decreased something; callbacks were kept at the same level. Henry, who all expected, not wine; July, which was not invited, presented unexpectedly. Don Quixote represents the idealistic man; Sancho, to the materialist. The city dominates the fact of the relationship between man and man; in the field it dominates the relationship between man and the Earth. Remark: 1.4.1.

Can also be separated by dot and coma juxtaposed propositions which express not contrary ideas, but simply going in series, and are generally separated by commas: left for the city at ten o’clock in the morning; We arrived at half past eleven. He went out to five in the evening; He came home at five-thirty; prepared dinner; ate moderately; He ordered the study room papers; He took to the garden to enjoy the aroma of the flowers. 1.5 Before the ilativos ranging between propositions when the ilativos go in the midst of two propositions generally van preceded by semicolon and followed by comma: has No resources; It will therefore not built. I didn’t have the resources; However, he built it. There are verbal ellipsis; i.e. There the verb is omitted. We arrived at seven o’clock; generally, the practices we began at eight o’clock. This is discussed extensively in the article of the ilativos (score: Los Ilativos). Original author and source of the article.

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