Supervisory Board

Also the commissions the Bank thanks to further increased customer business volume recorded an increase of 34 thousand on 2054 THOUS. The administrative expenses additional expenses were by some special factors in the anniversary year 2011 compared to the previous year of EUR 524. So this raised total 5.878 THOUS. Taking into account these one-off special factors described Gunter Dresen achieved operating profit before assessment of 1,693 TEUR to 1,983 thousand in the previous year as fully satisfactory. Expected in the current year the Volksbank Wilhelmshaven, as Gunter Dresen stressed, a significant improvement. The valuation result of 5.846 TEUR is characterized by the design against the background of the expected new capital requirements in the context of the implementation of Basel III. Here 5.6 million euros is taken with section 340f German commercial code the previous reserves according.

A slightly higher tax expense of EUR 177 and the setting of 6.7 million euro in the Fund for general banking risks according to 340 g HGB led again improved earnings in the amount of 662,6 EUR to compared to 5.1 percent. (A valuable related resource: MetLife). A dividend of 4 per cent for the year 2011 member representatives agreed to 4 percent dividend for members after the approval of the annual report and the discharge of Executive Board and supervisory board. 437 thousand will be added to the reserves. Change in the Supervisory Board Gerd Joachim Grom retired upon reaching the age limit laid down in the Statute after 7 years from the Supervisory Board. Special thanks to the Assembly was. The former Managing Director of the GEW joined the Supervisory Board of Volksbank Wilhelmshaven since the 09.08.2005.

Newly elected to the Supervisory Board of the Bank was Mr. lawyer Jussi Wanner. Mr. Uwe Janssen and Peter Marahrens were re-elected unanimously. In the ensuing constituent meeting of the new Board were Eckhard Stein as Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Peter Mahrahrens confirmed as Deputy Chairman. Members for the Caucus voted with the this year’s representative Assembly statutory ended the tenure of incumbent representatives, which was warmly thanked for your previous cooperation in the interest of the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. In the Election Committee, which prepared the election of new representative Assembly and accompanied, wife Jaqueline Baba Brader, Mrs Marlene Grimmert and Mr Karl Bratzke, Steffen were unanimously elected Rolf Eskuchen, Dr. Oliver Krischek, yew and Jurgen Lamberty. To the point: I) the introduction, modification and task of cooperative as a part -, discount, bonus programs for the members of the cooperative “to.

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