Posts Tagged ‘economy’

Actual Proclamation

Sunday, June 7th, 2020

These modalities are adopted, usually, values in accordance with preset, what frequently cause upheavals to Administrao6. Another point favorable to the proclamation becomes related it the economicidade, has since the Administration obtains to get, when uses the proclamation, sensible reduction of prices, that varies of 20% the 25%9. this occurs because the phase of judgment in the proclamation is divided in two stages. Additional information at MetLife supports this article. Of soon, all confide the written proposals, that are ece of fishes in sequence in accordance with the offered prices. After this, the bidders, consonant criteria defined in law, are invited to offer to new proposals, giving themselves chance so that each one of them covers the price offered for the others, until if reach the lesser price. It is evident that this systematics of judgment foments the reduction of prices, what, really, comes happening in prtica8. The proclamation is, also, the modality with shorter stated periods between the spreading of the proclamation and the formalizao of the contract.

Considering stated periods for resources exactly judicial, it is possible to carry through a proclamation in fifteen days – instead of about thirty days, on average, for the modality of invitation (fastest of the traditional modalities) 6. It is of utmost importance to attempt against for the question of the transparency in the acts of the Public Administration. The modality Proclamation influences in positive way for a bigger transparency in the licitatrio process, therefore being in the Actual Proclamation the bidders they are gifts in the dispute and in the Electronic Proclamation the licitations can be follow through internet4. THE SRP ' ' it consists of a special procedure of licitation and act of contract that can be adopted for purchases whose objects consist of materials, products or sorts of frequent consumption for the Pblico&#039 Power; ' 9. Valley to stand out that SRP is not a licitation modality, nor of procedures for formal relative price a set, but a licitatrio type register to the rendering of services and acquisition of good, for act of contract futura6.

Federal District

Thursday, March 19th, 2020

Brazil is an emergent economy and in crisis times the economic agents who act with rational expectations will arrive in port resources in papers that give a good source to it of return. In the case problem in this logic does not exist, since that the external saving (that it generates the deficit in current transactions in the Rocking of Payments) finances the sector private, of which it will place these resources in the magnifying of portflios for new projects, therefore saving and investment are the same currency. The government survives of the resources promoted for the private sector of the economy. For this the tributes that are generated by the sources of circulation of good and merchandises of the companies to the families and of the source of income acquired for the families exist who offer its hand of workmanship to the companies who turn the wheel of the economy. What the government promotes in this circuit is to eliminate what it exists imperfections, that is, in the transistion of the merchandises between the agents, promoting infrastructure workmanships, for example, for circulation of the goods. When the government is the propellant biggest of economic well-being, it transcorre in error. First because it will choose who will receive the biggest parcel from resources, eliminating well-being of the other.

The improvement of one is the worsening of the other. Second that it will exactly burden the mechanism that more generates income, that is, the productive sector, mainly the industries. When explanar the ideas above, are mounted mote of the economic lines of direction macro that impactam directly in economic well-being of the Federal District. The economy of the federal capital total is directed to the public sector. The majority of the population yearns for a place to ' ' sol' ' for this maximizes its well-being with the stability promised for the public economic agent: the state.

Management Knowledge

Friday, October 17th, 2014

He is tacit because it represents something that if makes regularly, but without formal support that the explicite. The opposite of this is the explicit Knowledge, that is assigned as legalized Express (Drawings technician, plans of share, manuals of procedures, information filed in computers). (Nonaka, 98). It can easily be express in words and numbers being able to be communicated and to be partilhado in the form of data, scientific formulas, universal procedures of codification or principles. It is a type of knowledge that if finds structuralized well in the mind of the people and that it can easily be legalized in books, manuals or procedures. Strategically, the Management of the Knowledge will have to be guided to the attainment of improvements of performance in its products, projectos, services and processes, reverting the investments carried through in better performance of operational management, reaching in such a way competitive advantages in relation to the competition. The Management of the Knowledge must promote the capacity to generate new advantages systematically, or still, to develop the existing ones, constituting what it comes being called a competitive advantage for the company. Thus we can say that the knowledge is vital for the business, to know the customers, the business of them, the critical factors, to know that methodologies exist to make what, that tests are that the methodologies have given and the experiences that will have existed in all the organization, are important rules in the management of the knowledge. On this context of great transformations, of globalizada economy, more competing markets each time between itself, the instrument of competitiveness of the organizations will have to be based on knowledge, goes then to consciencializar the organizations of insurances and the board that these will have to be pledged in the implementation of the knowledge management.

Styles of Learning

Sunday, December 15th, 2013

The term learning styles talks about to the fact that when we want to learn something each of us uses its own method or set of strategies. Although the concrete strategies that we used vary according to what we want to learn, each of us tends to develop global preferences. Those preferences or tendencies to use plus certain ways to learn that others constitute our style of learning. The concept of the learning styles directly is related to the conception of the learning like an active process. If we considered that the learning is equivalent to receive information of passive way what the student does or thinks is not very important, but we understand the learning as the elaboration on the part of the receiver of the received information seems quite evident that each of us will process and relate the data received based on its own characteristics.

The DIFFERENT THEORIES AND AS THEY ARE RELATED To each other In the last decades have elaborated all type of theories and models stop to explain the differences in the form to learn. But, of all those theories and models which is the good one. The answer is that all and no. The word " aprendizaje" it is a very ample term that includes phases different from a same and complex process. Each one of the existing models and theories focus the learning from a different angle. When it is contemplated the totality of the learning process is perceived that those apparently contradictory theories and models to each other are not it as much and even that they are complemented. Like professors and following in which it leaves from the learning process we center our attention, times it will interest to us to use a model and other times another one. MODELS OF LEARNING STYLES the different models and existing theories on learning styles offer a conceptual frame that allows to understand the daily behaviors us in the classroom, as they are related to the form in which the students are learning and the type of action that can be more effective at a certain time.