March, 2012Archive for

Italic Writing

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

However the very important language and has a media it is a patrimony historically constructed for the societies say that it and also in to many they write it cases. The study of the language it can focus an existence in the course of the time considered in its sincronia being thus its formation and evolution through the history that can observe it in its diacronia. The origin of the Portuguese and Latin the old language said in the Lcio, central region Italic peninsula. In middle of century VIII a.c, Rome established in these lands and a civilization where it initiated with passing of the time of the centuries Roman Exspansionism had reached its borders, reached and more distant localities. It is considered that the history of our language has beginning of century VIII for its moment that appears written registers. Before this, however and possible designating two periods of training of its evolution: A daily pay-history when the language, even so spoken and not registered and a proto-history, time that the first words of the Portuguese appear. In relation to the orthography it encloses three cycles, of the orthography phonetic (of century VIII and XVI) the pseudo-etiolgico cycle that was in century XVI up to 1904. The first archaic cycle and when the writing looked for to search in pronounces the copistas did not grafavam letter that were not sharp.

Former: As the case of the H initial. In the end of this cycle the Latin influence if made to feel the writing and started to distanciar of the pronunciation, wrote nocte for night and bructo for fruit. In as the pseudo-etimolgico cycle writing suffered to fort influence greco-Latin therefore the grafia from the Latin starts to be the model of the writing of the Portuguese who absorbs classic ortografias. It is of the RH (as rhomboida). TH (as in thatro) already the third cycle has the simplified phase that the book appeared with the foneticista work Portuguese Gonalves Viana published in 1904 national orthography where developed an analysis of the internal history of the language and studies the phonetic trends.

Any the use of the language this subjects the phonetic, morphologic, syntactic variations, vocabulares. For that, being spoken for one dispersed so great population for diverse localities and the Portuguese language presents reasonable differences between the Brazilian varieties, European and African. Its writing follows two ortogrficos systems today, of Brazil and of the Portugal adopted in the too much countries. FINAL CONSIDERAES This article could be characterized as a cultural rescue.

Bless Spouse

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

Winning is 90% attitude and 10% hard work. What we think has great influence on what we do. The summer and spring weddings are created and maintained by positive attitudes and those of autumn and winter are characterized by negative attitudes. The circumstances are neutral or at least common is therefore not what happens to us but as we interpret it and what is our attitude to them what the difference between triumph and failure. My attitude is not based on the behavior of my husband but my belief of who is my spouse and my role in the life of my spouse.

What does it mean to choose a winning attitude? Just what does the Bible Romans 12: 21: "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." – Recognise your negative thinking. The negative thinking guides our behavior. If we think our actions will be positively positive. – Identify the positive features of your spouse. Ask God to bring to mind the positive things about your spouse and ask your children to help in this. – Focus on those positive qualities. Give thanks to God for everything good that has a partner and Bless.

Philippians 4, 8: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if there is any virtue and if anything worthy of praise, think on these things. " – Ask God to give a biblical perspective of spouse. Thank God for the gifts he has a partner, be thankful that your spouse has been created in the image of God and therefore is extremely valuable and unique role that your partner has in the Kingdom of God, because marriage was the idea of God and recognize that he invented his marriage to bless and not curse.