It is necessary two important plans in the process of literal production: The conceptual plan and the linguistic plan, the use of the cited plans guarantee to the text one better understanding of what it will be said, beyond also making responsible for the literal organization. Rank that the linguistic plan and the conceptual one establish the literal cohesion and the coherence in which falls again on the author of the text the responsibility to organize, systemize and to adjust the ideas to the modality of text that it intends to produce making a minute election of the vocabulary, for a perfect linguistic union in coherent way so that he is not unprovided of direction, ambiguous, tedious or, even though incoherent. Knowing that how much bigger the knowledge the subject, more easiness to make a speech on the same. It fits, therefore, to the language professor materna to make possible the contact of its pupils with the universe of texts that circulate socially, teaching the produziz them and to interpret them. The wrong vision of what it is an one either text makes with that the school works a set of short phrases, private of meanings, descontextualizados, having little discursiva ability. ‘ ‘ education tradicional’ ‘ in the last few decades it comes suffering critical for being understood as the practical one to analyze the language in its structure, its grammar, its constitution, and how much to the education of the literal production, ‘ ‘ education tradicional’ ‘ still it is present in great number of classrooms, that of the metodolgico point of view place the pupil as receiving liabilities, and the writing education, as one practical ackward meaningless one. Thus being, with the reading one is made possible dialogues with new texts, a crossing of knowledge, that will be of great importance for the act of to write, therefore to have what to write, what to say, it comes not only with the human being and the exchange of experiences with the others, but with the great variety of explored texts, thus becoming the reader most experienced.