July, 2018Archive for

From Beethoven

Thursday, July 26th, 2018

In the Romantismo or romantic period what it was distinguished was accurately the individualism becoming it opposing the Classicismo, being this transistion exactly context ' ' influenciador' ' in the artistic intellect of Schopenhauer. One becomes necessary to also detach a genius who marked the called Romantismo Ludwig Van Beethoven. The romantic music of this genius is dense and also emotiva, where its compositions are total on to the facts that had marked its life. From Beethoven music is not more the same one, therefore it started to acquire a character of absolute egocentrismo, therefore for it personal drama only is that he counts at this moment. Those that hears the music of Beethoven start to identify themselves personally with music, arriving to recognize even though that you distress in them, misfortunes and also in the misfortunes of the life can through the enchantment of the art occur a deep feeling that will alliviate pains that reach the man. In the Romantismo pains acquire a basic paper, rank what! pains of the proper romantic artist are what it will promote its creation artistic. This is explicit in Beethoven as, for example: In its 5 symphony the feeling of superiority and largeness if detaches. In 6 symphony that is pastoral nostalgia is explicit.

In 9 Beethoven symphony leaves to be transparent the passion that took its being at that moment. Thus, the feeling and the individuality are eminently on the romantic genius. With romantic a music the art systematically becomes to state the feelings by means of sons5. What it occurred in the transistion between the Classicismo and the Romantismo they had been the culture of pain and also the express sincerity for the people with the existence or presence of the suffering. Through the life of the romantic composers it is allowed to notice that as much the fancy how much the anguish walks together and in certain direction if completes this would be as if we desired to possess something that is forbidden in them.