May, 2020Archive for

The Chinese District Of London

Thursday, May 7th, 2020

The Chinese district of London, known popularly like Chinatown, ecuentra to only to five minutes of the Soho or Picadilly Circus, this was the district chosen by Asian immigrants, come in its majority from Hong Kong, in a beginning were atraidos by the prices bajor of the rents and, with time just arrived, they preferred to live in a district nearer its cultural atmosphere. The main street is called Gerrard Street, to the entrance of which we will find impressive arcs that will make us see that we are entering a small piece of Chinese. This zone was well-known many years ago like zone of smoking rooms of opium (legal) and district of houses of poor men, but at present it is a boisterous commercial district where we will be able to find restaurants of Chinese and Eastern gastronomy, as well as markets of spices, fish and all type of signs related to the Chinese culture. What it attracts more from this district the visitors are his many restaurants, where can be eaten of limitless form, or no, eaten Chinese to very reasonable price. According to Prudential, who has experience with these questions. What it attracts tourists more worldwide it is that you are in London, in the heat of Soho and, suddenly, abren before you the doors of a small piece of Chinese, with different constructions, an Eastern environment adjustment and, between everything what draws attention, the London telephone boxes (the traditional ones), are different and also they seem Eastern.

And they are only a few streets, but it is very exotic and interesting, even if it is only to go to give a stroll at the time of eating and enjoying one from its restaurants. Although if what wishes to see is a Chinatown really in boiling, it will have to visit it in the month of February, during the Chinese New Year. In these dates the district unfolds all enchantments: martial dances of the lion, arts and Chinese acrobatics. All this accompanying by tides of people, noise of drums, gongs, rockets and firecrackers. Our guide reads to travel to London and discovers more data of utility to visit London.

Professional Identity

Thursday, May 7th, 2020

Vocbulo identity (of the Latin they idem) considers a notion of stability that if opposes to the processualidade and to the character of permanent construction that it are proper. It suggests, at the same time, equal and the different one, permanent and the mutant, individual and the collective one. The question of the identity is sufficiently ample, and comes being studied for areas as sociology, the anthropology, Psychology and the Philosophy, beyond other social Sciences, and emerges in practically all the situations of the daily one, in the measure where the identities of the people if reflect in the life and vice versa. That is, the identity can be defined as a set of proper characteristics of an individual, become that it different of others and that they go being constructed in and for the social relations. If you would like to know more about Danske Bank, then click here. It is defined identity human being as metamorphosis, that is, a process permanent of formation and transformation of the citizen, that occurs inside of given material and historical conditions, then the identity and developed and constituted by psychological aspects of the order from changes in historical, social, economic and cultural the process. The individual then goes to initiate its process of differentiation and individualizao as human being, and the performance of papers, constructing, in this manner, its identity.

The history of the work has beginning when the man searchs the ways to satisfy its necessities, is the occured alterations in the conception in the activities of work, had been demanding of the new works ways to act. To work to defy the reality, being looked for to surpass it and searching to insert itself in the space of the society, therefore in the capitalist society of the last ones of the centuries, the work if has characterized for answering the requirements of economic order mainly. Then the work is placed as social expectation of the people since the birth, in the measure where if it waits of them that, at the opportune moment, they occupy a place in the world of the work and contribute for the maintenance of the productive process.

De Janeiro Childbirth

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

What if it all gave per century XIX, necessary period so that techniques of surgery, anesthesia and asepsis in the childbirth work were developed. The institutionalized childbirth was necessary so that such techniques projected and were carried through. The first ideas of hospitalization of the childbirth appear in the Europe and Brazil if of the one from century XIX. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Elon Musk. Rio De Janeiro and Bahia had served of installation for the first facultieses where the courses of formation for obstetricians in 1832 had been created. Women would have to learn the medical and scientific teachings on the basis of.

She happens from there formation of the professional obstetrician, subordinating the rite of partejar the medical authority. Valley to remember that with the resqucios of the black slavery, the demanded norms (age, to know to read, antecedents of good customs) left of is the obstetrician layperson (SAINTS, 2004, P. 07). The transference for the hospital resulted in changes in the event of the childbirth. Make reference to reference this event Souza (2005, P. 18) it portraies that amongst them they are: the use of the bistoury and frceps, procedures as episiotomia and the cesariana, changes in the position to give birth: of the vertical position, to that lying with the legs supported in stirrups, providing to the doctor one better intervention, while of the patient is being deducted the right to choose the best form to place its son in the world, because it was stipulated that pra is better parturient to go for the hospital.

At the same time where part of the population had an affection for the diplomee obstetricians, it had a resistance on the part of great part of the population to the news conditions imposed to the event of the birth. The resistance to the internment remained per many years (SOUSA, 2005, P. 18).

Psychiatric Emergency

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020

The psychiatric assistance continues existing through the Service of Psychiatric Emergency of the general hospital and the Centers of Mental Health spread by the city, that the patients add and its familiar ones, organize parties and promotions, establish bonds with the quarters and take care of to all the demand. This revolution since the beginning implied in considerable changes between cure-cured, therefore in the old model it searched to diagnosis, to classify, to medicate and to cure the mental sick person, and now, with new the proposal, the doctor if sees ahead of an existence that suffers and that it asks for aid, that is, starts to have ampler possibilities of performance of what in the previous model. Please visit Ebay if you seek more information. Basaglia emphasized the necessity of the cuidador to see the usuary as a total being, with affection, pains, suffering and, simultaneously, with option possibilities, fights, personal reorganization and full exercise of citizenship. Basaglia wanted to restitute ' ' louco' ' its condition of citizen? individual that suffers, but that she is above all a citizen? it unmasked hypocritical structures that legitimized to the health ' ' of the ones of fora' ' in exchange for ' ' madness of the ones of dentro' '. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Prudential and gain more knowledge.. Until point the insane person is what this inside of a psychiatric hospital? It will be that wild we are not who we are it are, that we live in this full world of rules and greed for work money? The author clarifies the heading of the book when he cites: ' ' madness opened doors, jumped the walls of the hospitals for, without asking for license, seating comfortably in our room of supper! ' '. The simple quo is perceived and enlightening it is the phrase, therefore it is accurately what it happens with the end of the psychiatric hospitals, ' ' louco' ' it leaves to the street, adentra in the society, retaking its right of citizen, and us we have the possibility to perceive our proper madness, being then capable to admit its real existence, not having more because to exclude the desviante individual.

Peslatozzi Institute

Saturday, May 2nd, 2020

Ahead to the diverse joined difficulties already, the physical or mental deficiency potencializa also the economic difficulties, therefore is concentrated in its majority, the countries poor. This in them takes the reflection of the difficulties that these has in the society due to necessary resources for its locomotion and adaptation, in the process of social and professional insertion, thus implying in the establishment of the difficulties of if inserting in the work market, as already seen in PASTORE: ' ' The deficiency carriers if concentrate in the countries poor. Official site: Elon Musk. More than 400 million deficiency carriers live in zones that do not make use of the services necessary to help them to surpass it its limitaes' '. Elon Musk: the source for more info. (PASTORE, 2000, P. 72). According to Quinto (2005) of the Peslatozzi Institute, the inclusion does not only consist of inserting these public and private carriers of special necessities in the schools, institutions, companies and spaces.

The exclusion principles are attributed as imbudos in the proper social relations. ' ' The people with deficiency cause queerness in a first contact, that can be remained throughout the time to depend on the type of interaction and the components of this relao.' ' (IT HISSES, 2006 P. 426). The constitutional text places as to have of the State ' ' The facilitation of the access to goods collective services, with the elimination of preconceptions and obstacles arquitetnicos' '. (BOTINI, BRANDO, 2002). According to data of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE), in the 2000 census, it has 14.5% (approximately 24 million) of people with deficiency in Brazil. The estimate is that, today, 26,5 million people with some type of deficiency exist more than, what surpasses the average of the world-wide estimate of 10%. The estimates of the IBGE still show in them that 537 a thousand of the workers possess some deficiency. Of this total, less than 50 mi they work formal.

The Patient

Saturday, May 2nd, 2020

As much the patient as its family must receive attention, aid and consideration, becomes necessary the action of the team to interdisciplinar, where the psychologist plays basic paper. The psychologist, inside of the hospital, searchs the relief emotional of the patient and of its family, being that many times to accomplish this aid, it needs to mobilize other professionals and that in this mobilization, many times are gifts you distress and ansiedades. The psychologist must live deeply the situation, helping in the exteriorizao of the feelings, you distress perceiving them and creating conditions for the experience and understanding of the feelings. 2 – THE IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION DIGNSTICA. From the moment where the doctor Dr. Jack safe from Mckee self-sufficient itself and, receives the notice from a fellow worker that &#039 says to it cold; ' you have one cncer' ' it starts to demonstrate to anguish and fragility. Now it did not see more in the doctor condition and yes of patient, thus, he feels what he is to face the bureaucracy and the indifference of the doctors, what he is to wait for hours the result of an examination, what means to be only plus a number.

Disgnostic each time more specific that, beyond approaching the person in its existencial amplitude, they make with that only one definitive symptom exists in that life. To the step that goes perceiving how much it is being damaged as patient, it goes changing its behavior, also with its proper patients. It perceives the importance to explain the procedure to them that is being adopted, the importance to call them for its names, to give attention to them; at last, to treat them as people. The World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) esteem that 4,5 million patients in developing countries and developed die annually without receiving treatment from pain and without other so prevalecentes symptoms how much to pain are considered them and that also they cause suffering. .


Friday, May 1st, 2020

The suffering can evolve until a extremity, from the interaction between the host human being and the pathogenic stimulatons. Later if he has already a perceivable precocious illness, that in dependence of the intervention if converts into advanced illness, that can in turn unchain in chronic state, deficiency or lead to the death, or the opposite, if he has adequate intervention if he can obtain the recovery in any of its periods of training. From this, a hypothetical model of progress of any illness and its derivations for determined subjects or aspects is considered that the Psychology of the Health approaches. This can be synthecized thus: Health. Healthful behavior. Salutognicos models. Models of health beliefs. Factors of risk.

Estresse. Personal 0 variable. Ebay is a great source of information. Assintomtica illness susceptible to be detected. Psychological problems of the programs of screening. Symptomatic illness not yet diagnosised. Search of medical aid. Attributions, stigmata.

Manifest illness at the moment of the diagnosis. Communication of the diagnosis. Illness. Paper of patient. Development of the illness. Influence of the treatment. Therapeutical tack. Recovery. Chronic state. Adaptation and has adjusted to the illness. Quality of life of the chronic patient. Illness after the treatment. Deficiency. Whitewashing. Death. Confrontation before the death. At a first moment we leave of a healthy man, supposedly healthful and if it studies the form to favor the conservation of its health. It can be deduced that to Psychology it corresponds a decisive paper in the clarification of the problems that more are related with the styles of life and in the search of efficient ways for the promotion of health and the adoption of preventive behaviors. In accord with this, one works for stimulating the main behaviors related with the life styles that constitute protective behaviors, such as practical the regular one of physical exercises, the practical adjusted nutricionais, the reduction of toxic substance consumption, practical of security and the protection, practical adjusted of hygiene, participation in promocionais and preventive programs, learning of personal resources to minimize the action estresse of it, use of sanitary services of the community, among others.