June, 2020Archive for

Supervisory Board

Monday, June 29th, 2020

Also the commissions the Bank thanks to further increased customer business volume recorded an increase of 34 thousand on 2054 THOUS. The administrative expenses additional expenses were by some special factors in the anniversary year 2011 compared to the previous year of EUR 524. So this raised total 5.878 THOUS. Taking into account these one-off special factors described Gunter Dresen achieved operating profit before assessment of 1,693 TEUR to 1,983 thousand in the previous year as fully satisfactory. Expected in the current year the Volksbank Wilhelmshaven, as Gunter Dresen stressed, a significant improvement. The valuation result of 5.846 TEUR is characterized by the design against the background of the expected new capital requirements in the context of the implementation of Basel III. Here 5.6 million euros is taken with section 340f German commercial code the previous reserves according.

A slightly higher tax expense of EUR 177 and the setting of 6.7 million euro in the Fund for general banking risks according to 340 g HGB led again improved earnings in the amount of 662,6 EUR to compared to 5.1 percent. (A valuable related resource: MetLife). A dividend of 4 per cent for the year 2011 member representatives agreed to 4 percent dividend for members after the approval of the annual report and the discharge of Executive Board and supervisory board. 437 thousand will be added to the reserves. Change in the Supervisory Board Gerd Joachim Grom retired upon reaching the age limit laid down in the Statute after 7 years from the Supervisory Board. Special thanks to the Assembly was. The former Managing Director of the GEW joined the Supervisory Board of Volksbank Wilhelmshaven since the 09.08.2005.

Newly elected to the Supervisory Board of the Bank was Mr. lawyer Jussi Wanner. Mr. Uwe Janssen and Peter Marahrens were re-elected unanimously. In the ensuing constituent meeting of the new Board were Eckhard Stein as Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Peter Mahrahrens confirmed as Deputy Chairman. Members for the Caucus voted with the this year’s representative Assembly statutory ended the tenure of incumbent representatives, which was warmly thanked for your previous cooperation in the interest of the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. In the Election Committee, which prepared the election of new representative Assembly and accompanied, wife Jaqueline Baba Brader, Mrs Marlene Grimmert and Mr Karl Bratzke, Steffen were unanimously elected Rolf Eskuchen, Dr. Oliver Krischek, yew and Jurgen Lamberty. To the point: I) the introduction, modification and task of cooperative as a part -, discount, bonus programs for the members of the cooperative “to.

Supervisory Board

Monday, June 29th, 2020

Thus, the true pearls of the corporate landscape remained undiscovered and ignored. Malik his perspective not limited to the middle class. He defines the successful companies as entrepreneurial company”(UMU). It is this type of business namely not the size, but the kind of leadership”, Malik makes it clear. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Morgan Stanley by clicking through. The principle of shareholder value was reduced to financial indicators entrepreneurship. It could not be confused but profit with economic entrepreneurial performance. The economy must be withdrawn from the deal makers and speculators, because else crashing the whole system into a mire of forgeries, corruption and economic crime”, warns Malik.

Today, shareholder were no shareholders more in the sense of the business owner. They buy shares as investors, to keep them because of the company and its performance. The company itself this kind of shareholder basically is not interested in, but the fast performance for the Fund Manager and the owner of the certificate”, Malik finds fault with. The 100 largest money manager America manage nearly 60 percent of U.S. stocks and it go first and foremost to the turnover rate, so share shifts, rather than business concerns, otherwise this manager would keep the paper longer. Malik therefore advocates a revision of equity law. Who are involved in the order of the Supervisory Board and this way on corporate governance, to remember a period. Who doesn’t, should have no voting rights in the General Assembly”, asks Malik.

Still 1950, 90 percent of all American shares in the hands of private households were according to its findings. Today there are just over 30 Percent. However, institutional investors hold almost 70 percent of the shares, while they had in 1950 only 9 per cent”, so Malik. See also:../Der-Kunde-als-Fabelwesen…pdf… / politician sit corporations on the-shot…../:Mittelstand%20Es%20Bank/364074.html unternehmen/mittelstand/0,2828,456893,00.html economy / 0,1518,471750,00.html… / SME-energy prices endanger 200-000-jobs… 200603/pdf/special.pdf. Editorial medienburo.Sohn Ettighoffer Strasse 26 A 53123 Bonn Tel: 0228 620 44 74 fax: 0228 620 44 75 mobile: 0177 620 44 74 E-Mail: Web:

Republic Museum

Sunday, June 21st, 2020

Towards the east and the south, they appear the deserts and the perpetual snows of the National Park the Snowed ones. To the being the capital, Manizales is a road axis of particular importance. At present constructions are carried out important of enmeshes road, lifted avenues, bridges, commercial centers and supermarkets that will give to major dynamism to this city. There are manifolds routes of bus, busetas and groups that allow to move to any district of the city with routes that take more up to one hour for the moved away points like the Pretty one in the western end and Maltera in the Eastern one. Manizales is located in center of the three main cities of Colombia, in the call Gold Triangle. The distance between Manizales and Bogota is of 290 km Between Manizales and Medelln there are 180 km and between Manizales and Cali there are 384 km Also is communicated with the neighboring capitals of Pereira and Armenia through the Freeway of the Coffee. Manizales counts on a national airport called Airport of the Nubia.

This airport counts on a track of approximately 1,400 meters and serves its 6 of 6 a.m. to p.m. Due to the changing conditions of the climate, often is closed by low visibility; therefore at the moment a new airport is being constructed destined to receive national flights as as much international. Also had to the climatologic conditions the use of the moving body he is complicated since the difficulty to be able to call or to send messages is high, for that reason also new more powerful antennas are being constructed. Manizales is a cultural and especially diverse city in this sense.

Several libraries exist between which are those that belongs to the different universities. As far as museums they stand out: the Museum of Gold of the Bank of the Republic, in which diverse pre-Columbian pieces are exposed; The Museum of Natural History (University of Calda); the Museum of Art (University of Calda); the Archaeological Museum (University of Calda), the Botanical Garden (University of Calda), the Museum of Natural History (University of Calda) and the Museum of Science and the Game (National University of Colombia). Also exhibition halls exist, between which they stand out: the Pinacoteca de Bellas Arts; the Bank of the Republic; Coffee Cultural bottom; the Museum of Art of Calda; Confamiliares; Institute Caldense de Cultura and Expoferias. The architecture of Manizales Integra the influences of different times, creating a very particular style, not only in its formal expression, but also, in the use of local materials like guadua and the wood, that adjust to the difficult topography and seismicity of the region. As a result of this, also the call is born republican architecture (name that takes the neoclassic forms from the national architecture). In its architecture the Cathedral stands out Basilica, done in iron and concrete, leaving the tradition of its time of Wood churches. The Cathedral Basilica is of neogothic style in its outer part and has marks of vault style (nose). This cathedral is under the invocation of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Spirit Small

Sunday, June 21st, 2020

The organizacionais evidences show that the way as God guided the organization of all nation of Israel in the desert, remains as a method inconfundvel for its efficiency and objetividade. Joshua; the successor of Moiss, Jesus; during Its ministry, the primitive church and the adventistas pioneers, also, had made use of this methodology. The understanding of these four beddings is of extraordinary importance for the subsistence of the small groups, but also, the knowledge of the reasons, and the intentions, this ministry is essential. The reasons answer to the following question: Why to make? It observes to follow five persuasivas reasons to implant the ministry of the small groups: 1. Plan of God.

It is designated in such a way in the Old one as in the New Will, and also in the Spirit of Prophecy. It is, without a doubt, the plan of God for Its Church in the Time of the 2.Facilita Fim.5 the Pasturing. The traditional model to shepherd is inefficacious to take care of to all the necessities of a pastoral district with average of 8 1,000 churches and membros.6 Without the structure of the small groups, the task, the pasturing becomes impossible. 3.O Priesthood is of All the Believers. In the Sinai, God established Israel officially as a kingdom of priests, 7 in the New Will, renewed Its promise and delegated the priesthood for all crentes.8 Therefore, the priesthood is not responsibility and privilege only of the commanded ministers, ' ' to each one its workmanship was determined, and nobody can substitute outrem' ' .9 4.Fomos Created To live in Community. We were generated with the trend and desire of living in intense communion and proximity with God and ones with the others, however, the sin stained and modified this relation. Soon, it consists, in all the Holy Writs, the revelation of the plan of God to restore the community and to reestabelecer the communion of the man with God and its next one.

Margaret Thatcher

Saturday, June 20th, 2020

There speech of empoderamiento of the community like a passage of the action of the State to the social action. Apparently Cameron breaks with Margaret Thatcher and it is sent to look for energy of the citizens of the communities. Check out Nike for additional information. Another concept is shown that it invades throughout, the one of transition. In the case that we talked about it says of one " communitarian initiative of transicin". And a new expression, " transition of ciudades". Everything seems to indicate that the thought translated to the language does not pause and except the corresponding actions.

Tory as Cameron does not like much of the State, only that to this interesting handles it conservative from very different angles: to make back down to the State to allow this communitarian concept of society to advance express to posesionar itself. How to obtain it? The Reformation of planning of districts, social formation of a new generation of communitarian organizers, cooperative, companies and the frame constituted by the idea that the shrinking of the State must lead not to the atrophy of the community but to its development. Decentralization of responsibilities, power to the individuals, the communities and the civic institutions. We see in Latin American context: " the government has not given nada&quot me;. We see it in English context: " All need to the government but the action is through the family, the community and the company social". Perhaps my appointments of Cameron and than are ventilated by London is looking for does not see Comunism until in the soup. It is well, I know of the economic problems internal and of the necessity of cuts of massive expenses, but the interesting thing is in the solutions that look for, of outpost, what doubts fits. The cuts are going to produce duros effects on poorest, is known, but the interesting thing is to see as an economic crisis entails to the search of the common thing, of the community.

The Overlying

Thursday, June 18th, 2020

Particular attention is paid to ways of fixing takzhenado separate elements to each other and install gutters (trays). Any system of external drainage system consists of a horizontal wall or hanging gutters and vertical gutters and drains through which the vertical elements drain systems are connected with horizontal elements. When the device outside the organized drainage districts in the snow is not recommended to do so-called wall-trench. (A valuable related resource: New York Life ). It is advisable to install only pendant trays under the edge of the eaves (plum). In this case the outer, open end of the tray should be above the plane of the conditional, as if continuing the overlying surface of the slope. It is necessary that the snow slide down the roof, tore off the tray with no bindings.

The middle tray (bottom) should be on the vertical edge of a plum Extrusion, so that all rain water drains into drainage systems lotok.Sovremennye have a full complete set of all required elements, including fasteners. The shape of gutters and pipes can be circular and rectangular. Application of a particular element type is determined by aesthetic perception and the overall architecture of the building chosen architect or owner of the building. Rainwater systems have a wide range of sizes of gutters and pipes. The size of each element is calculated in accordance with the regulations, there is always a opportunity to combine the dimensions of elements, making each time an optimal choice for the cost of the kit. In the calculation takes into account slope and roof area, as well as the number and location of the points of water flow. The cost of the system drainage is usually determined by the complexity of the roof, elevations, and of course, the area. Material of construction of the roof, generally does not affect the choice of the system. At the same time, experts are selected sovetstveno gutters and roofing from the same company that will pick up and perfect color, and attachment.

Arbitral Tribunal

Wednesday, June 17th, 2020

Is it possible to remove an arbitrator from office? The parties may jointly decide to remove an arbitrator from office or terminate the mandates of all arbitrators. There are no formal requirements for dismissal procedure arbitrator by mutual agreement of the parties. Parties may also lay off the entire tribunal is unacceptably-slow pace of judicial proceedings. Parties need to ask the Chairman of the District Court in where the court sits, or to any third party. Of course, that the other party a chance to speak on this issue, as well as referees. New York Life has plenty of information regarding this issue.

Dismissal may occur only after the two preliminary warnings. 7. When arbitration begins, and what happens next? Officially, according to Article 1024 (2), the arbitration begins as soon as an agreement to refer the dispute to arbitration. This agreement should include a description of the dispute and called parties. The actual order of proceedings in arbitration, as well as the place of arbitration shall be determined by mutual agreement. Of course, the parties may allow the Arbitral Tribunal choose the place of arbitration. Netherlands Arbitration Act allows parties to court represent himself or hire an attorney for this, but the tribunal has the right to call any of the parties to dispute or obtaining any information. Trials usually begin with an exchange of written statements, a brief written statement of case or memorandum.

Counterclaims are allowed, but solely on the agreement, seen in court, or claim based on it. If the plaintiff has not responded to the request of defense within a reasonable period of time, an award the court may dismiss the case. If, on reasonable period of time, the defendant did not file an objection to the claim (without good reason), then the court can also make an award. 8. Can two or more cases of claims to be combined? If two or more have a common cause of claims in dispute, then you can combine them.

Dampfvaporisator Press Office

Monday, June 15th, 2020

The battery life for the parent unit is up to 24 hours when fully charged. Both devices can also permanently at home via a mains cable (230 Volt, DC Jack plug) be operated. In the House with closed doors and through the masonry range 50 meters, otherwise there are up to 300 meters. If the range is exceeded, the receiving part by LED indicator warns. Also a critical battery level is displayed, so that the supplied batteries can be exchanged in a timely manner. Danske Bank may help you with your research. And because in a regular budget ever again something must be sought, the parent unit of the baby using the pager from the transmitter (child unit) can be launched and recovered slightly. The receiver volume can be in five stages of very loud rules to fully off. Is supported the acoustic signal by an LED display.

Via the built-in intercom feature parents can contact quickly to their children. Because often helps even a soothing Word and can continue the dream journey of the little ones. Special babies, special claims. The NUK baby eco control + almost is an electronic babysitter NUK baby eco control +, which offers the same characteristics of his little brother and has more tools. So a vibration alarm can be switched on when required, which is useful if the parent unit in the pocket or shirt pocket is worn.

The NUK eco control + transmits the temperature in the baby’s room in addition. Selectable melodies and a night light can be many children fall asleep better. The new NUK baby monitors offer technical innovations, which make sure sleeping babies and very safe ausgeschlafener wake up parents. Available 266 (99.90 euro RRP) and NUK eco control + DECT are the NUK eco control DECT 267 LCD (129.90 euro EIA) immediately for example in baby stores. More information under NUK electrical equipment the two baby round the NUK range from electrical appliances. More electrical appliances from NUK are available: NUK baby food warmer Thermo rapid NUK baby food warmer thermal constant NUK humidifier comfort air NUK VAPO rapid NUK steam sterilizer 2 in 1 NUK microwave Dampfvaporisator Press Office NUK, gut GmbH, Ulrike Smerling, Mainspessart ring 57, 64287 Darmstadt, Tel.: + 49 6151 159120, fax: + 49 6151 1591220; Email:

Cologne Press Office

Monday, June 15th, 2020

The hygiene service made the Porzer citizens aware that the hands should be cleaned carefully in the approaching cold time. The children’s hospital had set up a teddy bear clinic for the youngest visitors. Teddy woman Kristina Horlein listened the stuffed animals, Association broken bear feet and gave the cuddly patients medicine biscuits and sweets, but then eventually but the children landed. With our Teddy office hours we want to take the fear of course above all the children before investigations and a hospital”, says Horlein. Closely intertwined with the children’s Hospital, the women’s clinic of obstetrics and their perinatal focus is medical at the Hospital of Porz. I.e.

it can children pregnancy week in Porz relieved from 1,500 g or the 32nd and supplies. Heart specialists offered guided tours of the new treatment rooms in Cardiology (cardiac catheterization labs), at the vascular surgeon visitors were free to examine their carotid artery and abdominal aorta. In radiology, CT and MRI were to visit Open. At the health center that is connected to the hospital, also professional chef Hartmut Heinz from the filing Court Porz lured in addition to a health check, movement and relaxation facilities and an art exhibition”with a show cooking the visitors. Contact: Hospital Porz am Rhein Urbacher way 19 D-51149 Cologne Press Office: Tel.: (02203) 566-1867 the hospital Porz am Rhein owes its origin to the long-standing efforts of the Council of the town of Porz and the citizenship of Palmer.

Essential motivation for the efforts to establish a hospital was the strong increase in the resident population in Porz, so also in the Porzer population developed initiatives for the establishment of the hospital. This initiative led to the 20.12.1959 to the founding of the hospital funding Association. M. Rabe


Saturday, June 13th, 2020

Windmill farm on a farm Mazale n (Teruel) The usefulness of the mechanisms of windmills to generate mechanical energy has been exploited for other uses such as drawing water, of which exemplify the employees in the polders of Holland or classic farm mills, a metal structure. Are currently spread throughout the country used to produce electricity. By the way, all these artifacts have kept the name of windmills, which can sometimes give the wrong impression that the word mill means to either wind or specifically. Specifically, the correct name of producing wind power is wind turbines, and pumps water pumps could be called wind.Among the wind pumps, the most economical (called farm windmills, but not ground) were developed in America in the late nineteenth century and were losing ground with the new systems more efficient electrical pumping once the supply of the flow became widespread. Marchig e millers did not invent anything new, but learned to make with rustic tools. The structures are usually of wood strung with wires threaded area, the blades and vanes are cut zinc plates, the supports of the shafts are forged mild steel and hardened shafts after a forging process. A whole system replaced the original lubrication grease fitting and casings, horse tallow oil, used to lubricate wagon axles. For other uses, see Windmill (disambiguation).