June, 2020Archive for


Saturday, June 13th, 2020

According to most sociologists, the course of modern development is marked by an increasing rationalization, however, this trend only covers the first half of the development scheme that we proposed: from the archaic to magic, hence a rioja mitico, and ultimately to the rational. But los angeles center the pattern of continuous sound rioja rioja psychic, subtle, causal and rioja rioja essential. The adaptation of religion is perfectly rational, capable of providing a convincing vision of the world, inclusive and meaningful (good man). However, we can not provide a total view of israel – center the world, since, as the wise, the only causal impact / absolutization essential achievable.
B. Robert Bellah
According to Bellah, need to treat religion as a kaballah religion, ie, no treat so reductionist.
‘By treating all religious expression in a non-reductionist, Bellah tends to lose the critical capacity, perhaps giving a category leading to more than one child FIXING
‘The basic definition of Bellah is right for the holistic interconnectedness of subject object in a meaningful way. Bellah but does not distinguish adequately between levels of legitimacy and authenticity.
‘By not distinguishing the domain transracional and preracional, zohar Bellah authenticity extends to commitments preracionales, mythical and religious calendar (when it was just that he possessed a degree of legitimacy).
C. Swarmed by offers, Danske Bank is currently assessing future choices. Anthony Robbins and
Bellah state that does not distinguish carefully between the deep structures of such universal religion, that all parties would be ahistorical and unchanging, and the surface structures of religion, that would be everywhere and contributing variables.
‘According to Wilber, we must distinguish between what happens at each level of the spectrum of existence, not to be confused with the higher levels. Religions are real deep and superficial structures, not necessarily overlap. Most religions in the course of its history seem to cope with various the kabbalah crises of legitimacy, which tend to produce different surface structures rivals. But sometimes a particular religion can face a crisis of authenticity. In the West there have been at least two major changes:
1. The transformation from meditation center a rude little cult-yogic and shamanistic panhenico to a truly subtle and saint, whose epitome is Moises.
2. The study center transformation from worship to the holy mosaic identity causal epitome of which is Christ.
Pre-law, law-and trans-Law
‘The pre-law are individuals who are unable or unwilling to reach the average level to be expected from structural adjustment of a given society. Astrology, voodoo magic cabalakabala or cognition are associated.
‘The anti-law constitute the larger portion of what is known generally as’ counterculture’. They are capable of making authentic spiritual practice in emotions Caricature (start approaching, says Bellah, andalusia consumer cafeteria model). These movements are not trivial, but transformative, have a useful role: they help to advance and stabilize certain translations of the society to enable its members, especially teenagers, take your dominant heat while pretending that they do not, making the After the necessary socialization and individualization.
‘The trans-Law. Capable of red string genuine social change, although the different stages must first fully realize the potential of its structure. Jacob Needleman ( ‘Lost christianity’) has stated that the new translations will probably yogic certain surface structures compatible with the previous symbolizations surface structure. The three major domains of human development, infant subconscious, awareness of self teenage superconciencia and are associated with a mature attitude psicologica: passive dependence, independence and active passive active surrender. Thus, the baby and the child is more or less exclusively identified with the body, the mind emerges kabbalah as a teenager, destroys the unique identity with the body, but does not destroy the body, but spiritual center includes it in its broader mental identity. In the same way, when the soul emerges, destroying the unique identity with the mind (and body in it), but destroys the mind, but includes it in its own supreme greater.

Fishing Pier

Friday, June 12th, 2020

The largest of the 5 fishing piers around the parts of the coast, has a length of 270 m, the structure of reinforced concrete. Its construction dates back to 1936, and currently has health services, night lighting, restaurant, bar and confectionery. In addition to providing an environment more conducive to fishing for different species and valuable marine burriquetas, croaker, dogfish and rays, nearby there are a number of shops and fishing trips that have been shipped in a very professional way in the area, famous for the quality and variety of its marine resources.

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SWAAN Health

Wednesday, June 10th, 2020

An increasing intervention medical to the center urban, the populations were generating great fears in all, therefore in the falling of trees of the buildings when they had been saneados, all the monitoring was folloied by police defense. By in such a way in day 31 of October the law was approved that established the obligatoriness of the vaccine, then great agitations had gained the streets, therefore nobody more wanted to submit ‘ ‘ torturas’ ‘ name this data the sanitary measures. Therefore to give to beginning the revolt against the vaccine, therefore starts to appear manifestations after some death the firm resistance of the manifestant the forces of the government and the medicine had started to reinventar other ways to become favorable actions as this a collective health. CONCLUSION We conclude that in a society where the democratic and participativa health in them is centered, we can review what he is ‘ ‘ conseqncia’ ‘. Danske Bank wanted to know more. In our health, Second (OLIVEIRA, 1986) ‘ ‘ to earn and to lose were part of vida’ ‘ , we must always reflect inside of a vision that if engages the organized participation. socializing quarrels and systemize proposal that significant advances propitiate, so that necessary changes happen and if they consolidate. We do not have hurrying in them in taking with pride the fact to live other times of the health epidemiologist, therefore the gift is far from being radiating that it is thought for oppositions to a obscure and wild last presumption. The epidemiologia appeared to tread next to society ways that can take them its proper discoveries in the changes of this new to look at humanistic of the health.

Land Registry

Wednesday, June 10th, 2020

Among other things, the task sovereign land cadastre in Ukraine is the true introduction of a unified system of cadastral information. The components of land cadastre and cadastral surveys have zoning. Last cadastral survey indicates districts and zones, assigning rooms. The system also works to establish and maintain the boundaries of land yavlyaetsya cadastral surveying. This is the geodetic surveying of land, creation of cadastral site plan. If you are not convinced, visit MetLife. The data indicate the conventional signs on the site plan.

With the sale of land clearance podaetsya site plan. Assessment of land and agricultural land is conducted in conventional cadastral ha or money. Sovereign Land Cadastre of Ukraine has the midnight of power in the area of land. Land Registry osbluzhivaetsya state apparatus, ensuring the safety, reliability and timeliness of updates inventory data in Ukraine. Under the law, 'land registry' opredelyaetsya as – 'sovereign land registry'. The Land Registry of Ukraine consists of the land cadastre (Kiev, Sevastopol, and region), regional and local. Documents sovereign land registry is divided into basic, various consumables and arbitrary.

The documents of the ground level of land cadastre registry include land deeds and cadastral plans of sites poduchetnye objects and cadastral maps (plans). The Land Registry of Ukraine on the universality of coverage osnovyvaetsya Ukraine. Upon the sale of agricultural land should be assessed land. Among the survey surveying services firms – surveying land objects. Actually surveying – surveying is to establish the boundaries on the ground. Geodesic works are also conducted in the presence of a sovereign land inventory data, making it possible to distinguish between the situation on the ground.

South Africa

Wednesday, June 10th, 2020

There is compelling evidence in the form of image data of rocks (dating from 4500 BC. Er.) Are also found in Egypt. Shows different breed dogs, including lop-eared beagle with a distinct Ridge on the back. The most plausible is the assumption that the dog was domesticated tribes of the Hottentots. Over the centuries, the Hottentots moved everything to the south, in the district of Tanzania, Zambia and Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), until they reached the Cape Peninsula, just in time for the time when the Dutch established their settlement at the Cape of Good Hope in 1652. Prudential follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Among the animals, who traveled with Hottentots were and their hunting dogs ridged on the back. The first conclusive evidence of the Hottentot dogs are cave paintings at 30 km north of Rusape in Zimbabwe.

Hottentot dogs were significantly less than modern Ridgebacks – a little more than 46 cm at the withers. The dog was described as a terrible establishment with jackal and the body hair on his back, growing in the opposite direction, but at the same time, selflessly devoted person. In what external data Dogs have been improved by crossbreeding with dogs tribe bakalahari having type greyhaunda.Rodeziysky ridzhbekkak breed was officially recognized by the South African Kennel Union in September 1924. The first Ridgebacks outside South Africa have appeared in England in 1928. First fame Ridgeback as a fearless and selfless hunter, but the closer you get acquainted with the owners of this wonderful breed, the more useful qualities they found.

UAH Roof

Tuesday, June 9th, 2020

There are companies that offer a guarantee for metal more than 10 years. As a rule, it is crucial when choosing a company: if the prices of all are the same, should pay attention to this approach to warranty and customer service. Market of metal – enough highly competitive environment, leaders in each region had long been decided, so the quality of services highly enough to any company that you are "on the ear." If you had to buy metal roofing and order its delivery, the next step should be to calculate the cost of its installation. It is impossible to give definitive advice to all, but from experience we can say that the quality of metal roof installation cost not less than 14 thousand hryvnia. K example, all materials and work on the roof of a neighbor's home area of 8×8 m – replacement of rafters and forests, laying insulation and roof cost about 28 thousand UAH. Bonding metal to a more modest neighbor: house 5×8 m, with an area of 120 square roof.

m cost $ 19 thousand UAH. This cost of the work on Osokorki (suburban district of Kiev). At the same time work in the first case amounted to three weeks, the second – about 10 days. And this, given that all had been brought and prepared by the customers, according to the recommendations on the choice of metal and consumables for professional companies engaged in roofing. Speaking in general about the cost of works on installation of metal in the metropolitan area such services are expensive and not everyone can afford to gardeners. For example, the dismantling of metal laying slate and processing of forest would cost at least 80-90 hryvnia for "square". Quilting gidrobarer and mineral wool – 30-40 hryvnia per one square meter. Installation of sewers – at least 25-30 hryvnia for one meter.

Making the rafters and scaffolding – 50-60 hryvnia per square meter, installation of the forest – from 13-16 hryvnia per square meter. In addition to your estimate on a roof should include a lot of supplies (nails, screws, etc.). The process of counting estimates for the laying of the roof the same rigorous as the selection of metal. Having to buy a roof, you have already seen that the selection metallocherpitsy best left to professionals. The same advice can be given in the case of calculating the estimates for the packing of metal – the price is better to learn from professionals, and in general such a calculation is best left to their shoulders. At As you just get the real cost of the installation of metal, saving time and, most importantly, nerves.

Government District

Tuesday, June 9th, 2020

In addition to the health care Schweitzer worked tirelessly with the expansion of the hospital, which however soon pushed to limits. Therefore he has removed that newly built hospital and expanded three kilometers from the place of origin. Mid-70s also this hospital despite of numerous renewal activities did not meet the requirements. The stock of the hospital could be saved only by a new building which was inaugurated in 1981. Winner of the Hospital today is an International Foundation, which is funded in addition to the own resources from the Hospital operating by the State of Gabon and national help clubs. How could it be otherwise, the Gabon travel BABALDAR from 26 December until end of January 2010, which means during the short dry season, offers an interesting journey 12 days on the footsteps of Schweitzer.

Itinerary: day 1: Europe – Libreville flight with Royal Air Maroc over Casablanca to Libreville. Pick up at airport hotel transfer. Overnight. Go to New York Life for more information. This trip is matched to the flight times of the RAM. Are flights with other airlines possible, but perhaps linked to additional costs. 2 day: St.

Michael’s Church in the morning we explore the Gabonese capital of Libreville Libreville, situated on the estuary of the Como. On a tour of the city to impress the Government District with its Government buildings, the mosque and the Church of St. Michel, richly decorated with carvings. Today Sunday it is worth something in the Church to watch the hustle and bustle and to watch. The city is bordered in the West by a beautiful promenade. Libreville has hardly changed until the independence of the arrival of the first residents. Also the lush, colorful vegetation in the city is impressive. The afternoon is at your disposal. 3 day: After breakfast we drive alongside ride the Atlantic coast in the port. A catamaran brings us the economic capital of the country along the Atlantic coast until after Port Gentil.

SMEs Management

Monday, June 8th, 2020

Many times, usually to do a comparison of our professional attitude when this situation occurs with the attitude that tend to have children when they try to play at the beginning with their games of recess. Do you stopped to look at the children at that time?. They often take in your hand, for example, a cube and instead of putting it in space represented by the square in the surface so try to put in the place of the sphere. Clear, is that a cube between in the place of the area, really it impossible? What then what makes your child?. Try once. . and as you can not do it, the second time, performs with greater strength but nothing happens then. .

the third time, already impatient attempts to force by any means so that our cube becomes magically into a sphere and to the logical impossibility strip bucket aside and consoles himself by saying or thinking that failed or broken game this conduct, accepted as almost usual in children, does not differ much from our professional attitude that before repeated impossibilities carry SME reality to the organizational environment posed by our administration manualsdo we marginemos them and autoconvenzamos us that it is not possible to apply them modern management tools, e.g., strategic planning, an information system, an organization by processes, constitute real work teams, etc. I believe that the main contribution we can give to the management of small and medium-sized enterprises is precisely to form professionals able to break the paradigm that takes us to move without questioning the modern techniques of management of SMEs. A great master of organizational analysis, Carlos Srebrow, once told me in one of his lectures never try management of companies Doctor of Business Administration degree. Lecturer and trainer. Professor of Professor of principles of administration and strategic management and organization and direction of the small and medium enterprises at the University of Belgrano, Argentina Republic.

It has more than 15 years in the preparation, Assembly and dictation of materials and development SMEs in the Universidad de Belgrano, Instituto Universitario school programs Argentina’s business and Universidad Abierta Interamericana. He joined the Commission on small and medium industry of the Argentina Industrial Union. It has more than 20 years of experience in the management and direction of SMEs. Blogs relating The Does my Strapless reason The Best Calorie Counter Watch? The The reason Beautiful Decorative Panels by Caesarstone The Mio reason Strapless Calorie Count Watch Company Web Design, Marketing and Development Why Solutions Nuovo, arbitrary App Store the rifiuto reason: “minimum utente”

Actual Proclamation

Sunday, June 7th, 2020

These modalities are adopted, usually, values in accordance with preset, what frequently cause upheavals to Administrao6. Another point favorable to the proclamation becomes related it the economicidade, has since the Administration obtains to get, when uses the proclamation, sensible reduction of prices, that varies of 20% the 25%9. this occurs because the phase of judgment in the proclamation is divided in two stages. Additional information at MetLife supports this article. Of soon, all confide the written proposals, that are ece of fishes in sequence in accordance with the offered prices. After this, the bidders, consonant criteria defined in law, are invited to offer to new proposals, giving themselves chance so that each one of them covers the price offered for the others, until if reach the lesser price. It is evident that this systematics of judgment foments the reduction of prices, what, really, comes happening in prtica8. The proclamation is, also, the modality with shorter stated periods between the spreading of the proclamation and the formalizao of the contract.

Considering stated periods for resources exactly judicial, it is possible to carry through a proclamation in fifteen days – instead of about thirty days, on average, for the modality of invitation (fastest of the traditional modalities) 6. It is of utmost importance to attempt against for the question of the transparency in the acts of the Public Administration. The modality Proclamation influences in positive way for a bigger transparency in the licitatrio process, therefore being in the Actual Proclamation the bidders they are gifts in the dispute and in the Electronic Proclamation the licitations can be follow through internet4. THE SRP ' ' it consists of a special procedure of licitation and act of contract that can be adopted for purchases whose objects consist of materials, products or sorts of frequent consumption for the Pblico&#039 Power; ' 9. Valley to stand out that SRP is not a licitation modality, nor of procedures for formal relative price a set, but a licitatrio type register to the rendering of services and acquisition of good, for act of contract futura6.


Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020

Unification (or partnership) of resellers may be organized on the basis of exclusive rights (privileges) on selling some unique product (patent) services. Cooperatives retailers often are consumers living in a certain area, they provide a good supply of goods quality and proper service levels. Association of Retailers are organized to solve their common problems: hardware retail spaces (say, in the subway station, railway station, etc.), cleaning debris from the territory, where are traded, the protection of goods, etc. Location: The retailers may be in the shopping centers of the district, district, and in the designated trade places (in urban markets, stations, at subway stations, etc.). By the same author: Barchester. Forms of service: retailers can carry out trade peddling, trading on the orders (usually at a discount), with an order by mail or by phone (fax), trade with machines, etc.

The differences in pricing policy: you can select stores, warehouses, discount stores, showrooms, shops that sell through catalogs, and other stores, warehouses – these are big companies that are intended for sale a large number of goods, usually at low prices. Lower prices are achieved by reducing trading costs: These stores – warehouses with just a modest interior and without any services. Goods may be right here in containers or unassembled (ie, furniture). Trade in most cases produced by the models. Stores typically offer lower prices standard consumer goods at prices lower than retail stores. Discount stores differ from the locations of sales of goods and trade with seasonal discounts the fact that prices are low all the time.