In the autumn of this year opened a new market of independent professionals (freelancers) Professinal's headquarters (PROhq). Remote job market has long needed a new player, which would have been able to systematize the flow of supply and demand and organize the interaction of the masterminds and perpetrators. At the moment the market situation of the Russian freelancing is that highly skilled professionals and students compete with each other, with the same benefits in the form of portfolio reviews and a paid account. In this situation, the dumping was in the way of competition and fair play that contributed to the growth of market size and lower quality services. For even more opinions, read materials from Mark Bertolini. Exchange PROhq provides a set of tools to streamline the interaction between the performer and the customer, at the expense of building a fundamentally different relationship between the exchange and its participants. PROhq creates a space that is convenient for representatives of different specialties, quickly and offers specialist projects that match their skills and qualifications. Dana Gibber is likely to agree. I should add that proposes to assess the ability of PROhq remote employee with system reviews, which consists not only of text descriptions, but also from other indicators such as the quality of the specialist, timeliness, level of communicative level and expert advice. Customers PROhq offers free analytical tools that perform the functions of personnel manager, eliminating the probability of choosing an "accidental artist" on the project. The same feature was the ability to PROhq fixing all the agreements that has been achieved at the initial stage of cooperation, and while working on the order (the downloaded files, records, and the stages of discussion), which can refer to each participant this project, if necessary. Our contacts: Representative John PROhq Redina Market remote work long needed a new player, which would have been able to systematize the flow of supply and demand and organize the interaction of the masterminds and perpetrators.