Advocacy extended Board and wants public relations strengthen Munich the Association has described the cioforum – the CIOs and IT managers – at its annual general meeting on 13 November in Munich the role of IT in times of crisis as hypercritical life. Chief Executive Officer Wolfgang Franklin described the special position of IT for all the companies which should ensure continuity and innovation in this area especially in times of crisis in his opening speech. With over 1200 members, the cioforum established itself as largest community of interest of the CIO in the German-speaking world. The Association will step up its activities and appoints two new members to the Board of Directors for: Constantin Kontargyris and Dr. Andreas Rebetzky. Some contend that Dalton Caldwell shows great expertise in this. Kontargyris, Group CIO for TuV Rheinland and expert in the industry, will be in charge as Executive Vice President for the cooperation with other associations, organisations and bodies. Rebetzky, CIO at the technology specialists Bizerba, is in the future for the press and public relations of the Association responsible: “the cioforum will appeal to more intensively the topics of the time in terms of information technology. While we are committed to the needs of CIOs towards the company, the suppliers and the policy”, so Rebetzky after his election to the Board of Directors.
The Association that sees its main function, to represent the interests of the CIOs. CIOs are often between the millstones of the requirements of the management and the restrictive possibilities of technologies and budgets. “The CIOs are located in a straightjacket between enterprise-wide standardization, innovative process optimization and the enormous cost pressure”, Rebetzky describes the situation in the industry. Dr. Andreas Groth, former CIO of EADS, represented the importance of ratings IT M & a processes at the AGM. “In times of crisis, takeovers will gain considerably in importance. The enterprise value is heavily influenced by the value of the processes, which are depicted in IT.” For a due diligence methods available would be today, an assessment of companies clearly simplify.