United Nations

Start this study appraising the words: ecology, environment, sociocultural, natural, social evolution and nature. According to site Wikipdia we have the following results: The Ecology is the science that studies ecosystems, that is, is the scientific study of the distribution and abundance of the beings livings creature and the interactions that determine its distribution. The interactions can be between beings livings creature and/or with the environment. The word Ecology has origin in the Greek ' ' oikos' ' , that it means house, and ' ' logos' ' , study. Soon, for extension it would be the study of the house, or more generic form, the place where if it lives.

The environment comumente called only environment, involves all the alive and not alive things occurring in the Land, or in some region of it, that they affect ecosystems and the life of the human beings and in the Conference of United Nations on the Environment celebrated in Estocolmo, in 1972, defined the environment of the following form: ' ' The environment is the set of physical, chemical components, biological and social capable to cause effect indirect right-handers or, in a short or long stated period, on the beings livings creature and the activities humanas.' ' Sociocultural evolution is a term-valise for theories of cultural evolution and social evolution, describing as cultures and society if they had developed through the time. The majority of the boardings of the century XIX and some of century XX objectified to supply models the evolution of the humanity as a whole, arguing that different societies are in different stages of the social development. No longer Aurlio dictionary has the following concepts on: Natural? that it belongs or that is mentioned to the nature, produced for the nature, or in accordance with its laws. Nature? set of the laws that preside over to the existence of the things and the succession of the beings.

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