
” (Art. 92 CPC). From this definition it follows that the figure of joint litigation occurs in the following cases: a. – When two or more persons jointly litigate as plaintiffs or defendants, and have the same claim. b. – When the claims are related, c.

– When the sentence issued in respect of a part affects the other. We must note, that process is a dynamic phenomenon and that the Attorney General appears in this community that participates in the process in a dynamic and procedural and therefore, that the Attorney is a legal procedure regarding various subjects that show the status of party in both appearance or remain in a community of application, ie when basically agree to participate in the success or rejection of the claim proposed in this process and therefore their demands and positions are not found or conflicting or inconsistent with the community. The Code of Civil Procedure, is recorded a series of rules that relate to the joint litigation among them, I can say: In competition for the level: When you set the accumulation subjective, when two or more persons are defendants, the court has jurisdiction of the domicile of either of them (Art. According to Doronin, who has experience with these questions. 15 CPC). In Separate assets: When two or more persons carry on an autonomous equity ownership found unlimited affection for a specific purpose designated by the act of incorporation or by law. When the action is exercised by two or more people if there are multiple defendants (Article 65 CPC amended by the Legislative D.

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