Immediately after the pier foundation of the universal device hozbloka (house-barn-bath) begin to build his basement with a device to let a temporary but very comfortable accommodation. For this need to build walls and partitions to the device insulated basement floor and a temporary roof, install windows and doors, lay floors, put the oven and do the finishing work. And all this must be done in the shortest period of time to quickly move out of the hut, where you from dear paradise in the basement, where your beloved will be a paradise with you. This is important. So let's keep building arhiforsirovanno ground floor with the most simplistic, but at the same time reliable and durable design elements. Before proceeding to the device headroom for pier foundation, must decide what will be Basement walls: wood or brick? In the case of wood, enough of one pillar, with no connection to each other randbalkami (beams, supported by foundations and bearing the walls, partitions and other loads). If exterior walls are brick, without randbalok not do, it will go on laying. This is well illustrated in the drawings the walls of the basement options.
First thing to do would be to establish the level of headroom and a total for randbalok formwork. For the simplest level, but fairly accurate, fit the usual bottle of vodka or brandy, the wine is no good: dark bottle – difficult to see. At the end of a bad one can take a bottle of water (although the water even safer – longer used.) If, however, will enjoy a bottle of, say, with vodka, the first use it as a level, and then Empty! In any case not vice versa! Why such a technological sequence, I hope have guessed.