
The work next to children sick and hospitalized sample basically how much if the humanizao of the attendance must fight for, how much if it must protect the child, this being so dependent of another one (s), of an attendance technician, impersonal and aggressive. (CHIATTONE, 2003, P. 26). For the same author, all the professionals of the health area must have clear notion of that the child when passing for this process of the illness will be affected in its integrity and its emotional development. Click Ebay for additional related pages. Thus, the professionals of the health must be prepared, developing resources to minimize the suffering of the hospitalized child, a time that, beyond the inherent factors to hospitalization, the child can be attack for the decurrent consequences of it.

According to Almeida (2008), in infantile hospitalization it is essential that all the health professionals understand the shock that the disease and hospitalization bring in the life of the child, beyond the consequentes repercussions of each stage of development. The same author affirms that to work of form she accomplishes next to the hospitalized child, the attitude of the team is vital, therefore, needs to be transparent confidence, with the objective to allow an approach of security between both. She must always exist between patient and she has equipped a relationship based on the respect and cordialidade. Chiattone (2003) pontua that, the form as the health team executes its work in the hospital context is an excellent aspect if to lead in consideration when the malignant effect caused by the internment are questioned. One has equipped extremely of professional health that does not obtain to visualize the child as a whole sick one, who does not obtain to extend its field and action and to assume behaviors and flexible and affectionate attitudes is certainly a team that will have little success next to hospitalized children. (CHIATTONE, 2003, P.

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