District Court

So also the reasoning of the District Court of Coburg (PM Nr. 279 of the 13.4.2006). Conclusion: Not always is a tubular damage Insurance case before. Must here distinguish between cane damage generally and pipe ruptures in particular. Payment obligations on the part of the building insurance exist then, when pipe ruptures or tap water damage are detected. Under a pipe break, a hole is to understand. Tap water damage requires that a tube leaking water damaged items of the insured person. Facts case 2: the improper cleaning of the pipe was the trigger for water damage, which was dealt with by the District Court of Giessen.

Because a tenant cleaned the bathtub drain with a hand pressure air pump, the drain pipe is dissipated. Tenants of the underlying floor were the victims of this unprofessional Act. The flowing through the roof water from the bathtub drain caused water damage. Court decision: The judge spoke to a damages claim against the tenant the landlord. The use of hand – pressure pump to remove a bathtub drain pipe clogging risks cause tubes. Because the tenant had not considered this, he acted contrary to care, and had to pay for the damage (AZ.: 48 MC 141/07). Conclusion: It is often inclined to remove a blockage in the drain pipe with the help of cheap products or devices from the supermarket as a layman.

Without appropriate expertise, the self-help can lead quickly to surprises and costs, which goes far beyond a professional removal of the blockage. Better hire a reputable and certified specialist or avoid the best causes of such blockages: diapers, wipes, cat litter or kitchen disposed of partly mindlessly in toilets, even though they don’t belong there. Important note: also financial times Germany reports on the obligation of a leak test. By 2015, all landowners must allow check the sewers of their properties and repair if necessary.

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