Harvard Business Review

With emotional, social and professional competence. Acquiring new customers is an ongoing issue as the customer loyalty for virtually every company. Just the new customer acquisition is an ongoing issue rightly, because it is the basis for the successful development of a company. In the Harvard Business Review, an analysis was discussed, losing every company in an average of 15 – 30% of its customers! The question is of course why – as an existing customer is easier to keep so much to acquire a new. When the new customer acquisition, there are two essential considerations: the rate of new customer acquisition must be obviously greater than the rate of customer loss, customer loyalty – and the life cycle of the customer with the appropriate customer value. On the one hand, the loyalty of customers with simultaneous increase in the claims goes down in many cases. Also through the Internet, markets are more transparent.

The Internet already accompanied every buying decision for more than 80%. The information of the customer is much better! What are my options to deal with these new challenges in the sale? A point is the seller with high social, emotional as well as the expertise – seller willing to evolve constantly both professionally and personally. These are essential factors for the success coupled with good closing skills. Why is it so hard to overcome the inner pig dog and to acquire new customers for many? In addition to the time required for new customers to win it is necessary to obtain a wealth of information as the right contact, corporate culture and much more. How do I go to on a new contact? He will reject me as annoying, say “No”? The most common cause of this uncertainty is to fail the fear or to be rejected and that fear paralyzes simultaneously is already well known. How are now acting top seller? They have fun to discover new and they love the feeling of success.

We know this inner energy from us as a child – and this energy has also motivated sellers. You know the feeling of the Success, if they win a new customer.

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