In this way, the development of irrigated agriculture if becomes of great meaning as a form to stimulate the food production, keeping the regularity of offers, attenuating the effect of it dries and creating a classroom of agriculturists reg antes, organized in familiar units. This work has as objective, from the mapping of the use and occupation of the ground and the analysis of the socioeconomic conditions on which the members of this community live, to diagnosis the occurred changes in the use process and occupation of the ground, in the Irrigated Perimeter of Mirrors, after the implantation of irrigated agriculture, as well as the socioeconomic implications for the members of the community, thus being able, to perceive the occurred partner-ambient changes in this area. Search, in this way, to analyze the contribution of an irrigation project? the Mirors Project? in the process of development of the region in which he is inserted.
This project is developed in a partnership of the State Government with the Federal Government, through the CODEVASF? Company of Development of the Valleys of the San Francisco and the Barnabas? where the State search to combine agricultural politics, use of the water, tax incentives and financial for installation of industries, as base to Izanami the economy of the regions poor. The process of macroeconomic planning involves the establishment of plans, programs and projects. In this context, the Mirors Project is tied with the politics of irrigation of the state of the Bahia, that has as toreador the State Plan of Irrigation, developed for the Secretariat of Irrigation and Haricots Resources, Sanitation and Habitation? SHAHS. Inaugurated in 1997, with an extension of 2.166 hectares, it is destined the agricultural exploration for entrepreneurs and small producers, objectifying, over all, to use the available resources to favor the diversification of the agricultural and agro-industrial production, allowing the development of ‘ ‘ agribusiness’ ‘.