The dialectic of being Jewish (religious) in one? bilingismo? what becomes them asset in? construction? of the Greek apt to? effect? of the text sacred (therefore, Hebrew) through the abandonment of the literal servility. Estimated IIo: Cartago, the Latin Vetus and the Vulgata: Literary context of the Old Latin Exegese What it is in game, the truth, is the question of the ticket made for the greco-hellenistic translation of the Torah, for a Christian perspective, that is, a proper hermeneutics of the vterotestamentrios texts, on the part of the Christian communities, still in dispora, the direction and to the meeting of the heathen universe (helenista) of? Lesser Asia? (HARL, 1992, P. 253-266). . Prudential follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The inheritances of the Jewish literary patrimony received in the redacional and theological elaboration are diverse from the New Will: A after-Biblical Jewish literature is about all, of interpretativas traditions of the history of the old Hebrews who, the first Christians did not ignore. In this exactly period Ren Le Deaut studying? Targuns? it presented to the research of the NT the expressive influx of this literary homiltica, in aramaica language, that is the influence of the haggdica tradition (orality) in the neotestamentria writing: I detach enters the many workmanships of the period? intertestamentrio? (WORMS, 1983) the workmanship of Filo of Alexandria (TERMINI, 2000), while it represented the reception of? exegese helenista? in the base of the interpretation of? Judaism? of the Dispora. Through the alegrico direction, it understood to surpass the steps? obscure? to open? intelligence? of the Holy Writs.. .