Management Knowledge

He is tacit because it represents something that if makes regularly, but without formal support that the explicite. The opposite of this is the explicit Knowledge, that is assigned as legalized Express (Drawings technician, plans of share, manuals of procedures, information filed in computers). (Nonaka, 98). It can easily be express in words and numbers being able to be communicated and to be partilhado in the form of data, scientific formulas, universal procedures of codification or principles. It is a type of knowledge that if finds structuralized well in the mind of the people and that it can easily be legalized in books, manuals or procedures. Strategically, the Management of the Knowledge will have to be guided to the attainment of improvements of performance in its products, projectos, services and processes, reverting the investments carried through in better performance of operational management, reaching in such a way competitive advantages in relation to the competition. The Management of the Knowledge must promote the capacity to generate new advantages systematically, or still, to develop the existing ones, constituting what it comes being called a competitive advantage for the company. Thus we can say that the knowledge is vital for the business, to know the customers, the business of them, the critical factors, to know that methodologies exist to make what, that tests are that the methodologies have given and the experiences that will have existed in all the organization, are important rules in the management of the knowledge. On this context of great transformations, of globalizada economy, more competing markets each time between itself, the instrument of competitiveness of the organizations will have to be based on knowledge, goes then to consciencializar the organizations of insurances and the board that these will have to be pledged in the implementation of the knowledge management.


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