
I do not find anything if I say that Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one of the great writers in the Spanish language. Everyone called the Nobel award for his and many have enjoyed its literature since one hundred years of solitude or any of his other masterpieces, we read for the first time. However, one of the reasons why this author comes to my constantly head not has nothing to do with his work. Gabriel Garcia Marquez spoke on one occasion one of the most beautiful phrases I’ve ever heard: I just want I want. Is not it amazing? So far, all good. It is possible that you share what I comment on Garcia Marquez but, in any case, sure you may be wondering: what suits this author in a Marketing blog beyond that has sold books like doughnuts? The answer is simple: I just want that I want is the best definition of what it really intends to any client when you start a business relationship with you or your company. It surprises you? I don’t think so. Look how it works people to your around.

Look at yourself. Human nature is wonderfully predictable. Personally, we love to treat us well, that they pay attention, that hear us, that we want to. When you’re loved, you feel important because you are or, at least, are at the center of the universe for him or those who give you their love. Why should the business world be different? It is not, believe me. Customers have needs. Looking for one that has enough time to listen to them. You have concerns.

They seek the best solution together. They expect you to you help solve any doubts that may arise them on the road, and the most wonderful of all, if a new need arises, they call you again. Isn’t it fantastic? No doubt that it is, but don’t think they’re going to give your confidence easily.

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