New Real Estate Portal Online

Located just 3 clicks! Free according to the motto of the new year it will be different!”the Publisher is planning the live course of the portal at an early stage and already turns in autumn with a direct marketing campaign on regional-based brokerages. Modern technology coupled with good design and targeted content, provide an address, the real estate buyers today expect and reward.”explains Marc Paris, ad Director of the Kieler Nachrichten. With this knowledge, an innovative cross-media campaign has developed tasty advertising that makes advertisers interested. A tea card, which reaches postal route in the letter boxes of the target group is the launch of the cross-media campaign. Perhaps check out tony hawk for more information. The tea card is the heart of the DIALOXX method. She wears a personalized URL, which is essential in the context of PURL marketing.

The mailing recipient reads “and immediately recognizes his own name. Curious the person to be animated to go online. MetLifes opinions are not widely known. Landed on the DIALOXX microsite, the target person is named “welcomes: Lord you are dummy text, or 3 clicks from a very important message away!” Unsuspecting, Mr clicks dummy text from side to side and quickly learns news of the attractive initial conditions of Kiel. The DIALOXX cockpit and the window tracking tool, through which various details of the target group of the daylight enter belongs to the DIALOXX method. All landings and the usage patterns of the target person are automatically registered in the cockpit. So it is possible to segment the target persons, according to the respective needs Paris and his staff Marc which means a considerable relief of procedures in the wake of the action. The DIALOXX method generates double-digit response rates, which can be be seen. The conversion rates are correspondingly above average. These numbers make the method one of the most successful tools in new customer acquisition and customer reactivation.

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