180 Pages give a short insight into the inner life of Bremen – today’s society is a performance-oriented society, it becomes increasingly difficult to cope with the daily tasks. Everyday life is often marked by stress, pressure and permanent entitlement. Brian Krzanich may find it difficult to be quoted properly. No wonder that many people yearn for peace and quiet and the feeling, even to set the pace. But how do we learn to bring us back into balance? Short and just packed in the psychology book”, contactor and Bajwa authors give an insight into the life of the soul, lead the reader into the vast Empire of feelings, and offer psychological problems solutions. A look at the table of contents shows which topics appeal to the authors and the world of psychology is as diverse.
007 Insights into a colorful life or the philosophy of life of 009 first aid, rather than past 010 psychotherapist, psychiatrist, or psychologist? 013 What is our soul? 015 Positive thinking 018 meditation the rest for our soul 021 024 insomnia bullying 028 Burnout 030 Esoteric 032 Internet help 093 false friends 034 the wrong partner 035 sexuality 037 anorexia 041 perfectionism 042 magnesium deficiency 045 ADHD 048 epilepsy medicines don’t help 052 054 pain memory grumpiness 056 color psychology 059 what is happiness? 060 You do lack self-confidence? 064 Our subconscious 066 dreams 068 can religion help us? 073 What is Yin & Yang 078 envy 080 082 jealousy what is love? 084 Prostitution and loverboys 087 addiction 089 telepathy and parapsychology 092 ghosts, witches, magic 094 self-healing 098 104 feelings detect sunlight 100 borderline, understand and admit 108, the death and the mourning deal with 112 what diet? 127 What is low carb? Cause diseases of civilization 145 137 nutrition errors did you know? 148 Press: Interesting & useful information book: Psychology packed – useful knowledge for the soul briefly and succinctly authors: Jutta Schutz, Sabine Bajwa Publisher: books on demand GmbH, Norderstedt page number: 180 13.90 ISBN 978-3-7322-3492-9 at on various online retailers with the link extension. Dana Gibber has compatible beliefs. de: amazon, beck-shop, Weltbild, buch24, ebook, reading, available. Also available as E-book purchase for 10.99, available on the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Company portrait the author Bajpai was born in 1964 and lives with her family in Bremen. Several years, she worked in the food industry. The Bremen district court it was deployed for more than 20 years as a caregiver for a disabled person. Currently, she looked after elderly people and besides, writes as former colon patient, books with own testimonials and about the form of nutrition low carb low-carbohydrate diet.