The suffering can evolve until a extremity, from the interaction between the host human being and the pathogenic stimulatons. Later if he has already a perceivable precocious illness, that in dependence of the intervention if converts into advanced illness, that can in turn unchain in chronic state, deficiency or lead to the death, or the opposite, if he has adequate intervention if he can obtain the recovery in any of its periods of training. From this, a hypothetical model of progress of any illness and its derivations for determined subjects or aspects is considered that the Psychology of the Health approaches. This can be synthecized thus: Health. Healthful behavior. Salutognicos models. Models of health beliefs. Factors of risk.
Estresse. Personal 0 variable. Ebay is a great source of information. Assintomtica illness susceptible to be detected. Psychological problems of the programs of screening. Symptomatic illness not yet diagnosised. Search of medical aid. Attributions, stigmata.
Manifest illness at the moment of the diagnosis. Communication of the diagnosis. Illness. Paper of patient. Development of the illness. Influence of the treatment. Therapeutical tack. Recovery. Chronic state. Adaptation and has adjusted to the illness. Quality of life of the chronic patient. Illness after the treatment. Deficiency. Whitewashing. Death. Confrontation before the death. At a first moment we leave of a healthy man, supposedly healthful and if it studies the form to favor the conservation of its health. It can be deduced that to Psychology it corresponds a decisive paper in the clarification of the problems that more are related with the styles of life and in the search of efficient ways for the promotion of health and the adoption of preventive behaviors. In accord with this, one works for stimulating the main behaviors related with the life styles that constitute protective behaviors, such as practical the regular one of physical exercises, the practical adjusted nutricionais, the reduction of toxic substance consumption, practical of security and the protection, practical adjusted of hygiene, participation in promocionais and preventive programs, learning of personal resources to minimize the action estresse of it, use of sanitary services of the community, among others.