Posts Tagged ‘books’

British Columbia University

Sunday, December 8th, 2013

It is increasingly common to find the word toxic particularl nouns like: companies, organizations, chiefs or people, and not just because there are toxic fumes in the place, or need for a brigade of special risks to work there. If we refer to a toxic company, we will be referring to an organization whose results are unsatisfactory, and its members are working in a situation of stress and tension so great, that the workplace becomes a field of battle and destruction for the person. Peter J. Frost, Professor of organizational behavior at British Columbia University, describes a toxic work environment in the following way: is the result both of the practices of a company and attitudes and emotionally insensitive actions of its managers. A situation remaining vitality to the workers and the Organization and contributes to a reduction of individual productivity (toxic emotions at work. Ed.: Deusto). The aggressiveness, the envy, the incompetence of managers and a hostile environment, will progressively undermine the emotional competence of workers, making him little by little in a person frightened, intimidated and with a strong sense of guilt.

At the head of a toxic organization, it can or is usually a Manager or a toxic leader, whose needs and personal interests do not often coincide with the Organization, little or nothing facilitator of an emotional and effective communication and a source of real or imagined pressures. Toxic leader tends to be contradictory, distant, capricious and inconsistent, so his subordinates, never know what to follow, or that holds them for the next minute. In his book Nursing Management, Fitzpatrick, describes him as very distrustful, cares for his personal aggrandizement and fight for the triumph, the power and the glory. It is very aggressive with employees who have doubts about him and makes enemies where there are no. If there are toxic bosses it is because companies tolerate them, and if they tolerate them is because they believe that they are useful to their objectives.

Paco Arias

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

Mirrors that do not look. Assumes that a footballer of those considered first-level professional, not only charge (splendidly, incidentally) to demonstrate on a level playing field its virtues with the ball at the feet, also to keep a behaviour and an education that any sportsman must have always present in the exercise of their activity and more if it belongs to the Group of the so-called elite are followed by thousands of children and young persons that in certain extent they are obliged to set a good example. Unfortunately there are some professionals (?), which are on the minds of any fan, who can’t behave within a field with the minimum required education, and this not only applies to an athlete, I do also extensible to any person. When his coach replaces them in the course of a match, freely exercising the responsibilities and rights of its charge, incidentally, fit it negatively and some is no longer something that put bad side, emerging from the field protesting, others look to your technician with challenging aspect, some even until they face with him and any bolder complains it and even insults. Others, not for that reason less poorly educated, deny your coach hand when this gets close to congratulate them. If this is the sports mirror in which have been looking at our young footballers bad example they are giving to when older. Soccer Trainer training.

Arduous Task

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

I want that money work for my arduous task! How to do? The critical phase of a business is the creation of its own brand, i.e. the well-defined and clear company image that conveys confidence and security to potential clients. You need to have your own domain name, or the address of your company on the Internet and place it in the minds of your visitors. The positioning of your company in the search engines should become a priority, not just through advertising on the Internet, but using a set of strategies to improve the popularity of your company on the net, increase sales and maximize return on capital investment. The purpose of Internet advertising has to go beyond generating traffic to your website and is precisely to develop a wider of your name, company or services awareness. How to do it? Effective use of your signature, your websites, your newsletter, your blog, communication of events go to define a powerful brand.

The notoriety of brand is considered one of the most important marketing objectives and at the same time the most arduous task. If you can show clear and convincing images of your brand, it is likely that you are remembered and that will increase the success in the future. A fundamental element in any marketing campaign is that of getting the mails and the development of relationships with subscribers to convert them into potential customers. But you have to master an effective system of e-mails and know how to implement the marketing of products. Publish your own newsletter is a great way to remind your readers that your site exists and that is constantly being updated. The newsletter also increases your credibility and chances of making sales. Success is continuous improvement. A valuable tool for rapid dissemination of your personality is the use of social networks, in particular, Facebook, Twitter and MySpace are having great success in communications and marketing.

Ridding Yourself of Fungus

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013

Trick for people with mushrooms if you have problem of fungi in feet or under the nails of the fingers today we bring you an excellent remedy for that problem that affects many people around the world. Homemade trick to fungi. Simply soak your feet in warm water (1 litre) with about 300 milliliters of mouthwash (Listerine) and let your feet for about 20 minutes, ready. Another home remedy, use warm water, vinegar and baking soda, soak your feet for 20 minutes, ready. Effective and within reach of your hand. If fungi are reluctant, you can increase the amount of vinegar and temperature (the hottest water that can withstand), and put a few (four) 4 drops of chlorine, this will increase the effectiveness, but that Yes, remember to be consistent and keep the Middle clean to avoid contamination again. Otherwise, should beware of do not spread to the rest of the family, after bath ruin water well hot or chlorine in the shower, and use your own towel to feet, or best disposable towel until mushrooms have fought. If fungi do it daily for a couple of weeks is hiran eliminating and skin lost with the fall of the fungus will gradually recover.

Abdominal Fat

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

Delete and burn Abdominal-Corporal fat burn abdominal fat, over time, women and men, have examined techniques for perfecting your physique properly. In the last century, scientific studies have exposed an amazing amount of knowledge relating to the human body and how it reacts to different tactics of nutrition and exercise. Even with so many advances, there is a great confusion in relation to how best and safest to get best body and burn fat abdominal. Ask about how many coaches of different gyms, a method of exercise and nutrition to burn abdominal fat, sure that gets the same amount of answers. Approaching one of these gyms and you will notice that most of the people, improve practically nothing and the time goes by. Much of this confusion is due to bad information developed by research that are old fashioned, the misunderstanding that has been given to the form of eating or properly train or the latest fad diet, or the famous pills to burn fat abdomen and body. Burn Abdominal Fat. There are very effective ways to lose fat and get results quickly.

For some people these methods could change them life, a total shift from what they thought they knew about burn abdominal fat and physical preparation. For other people of more experience, ideas likely to be them family, but it is within the application of certain strategies where the magic happens. However, there are people who have been concerned by the problem of loss of weight on occasion, you may know already something in relationship, but possibly not used all the tips and methods to make the training properly. Consequently, overlook this issue, it could be a huge mistake that would lose a fantastic alternative to leverage the time spent to burn body and abdominal fat. I also wish they understood now, these methods for losing fat and be in shape are both for women and for men, young and less young people.

Web Users

Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

The Web has become an essential tool for the majority of people around the world, since thanks to the effect that this medium has, it is possible to achieve the union of a great number of consumers, companies, businesses, networks, among others. On the other hand the Internet, has become one of the ways of obtaining more used and perhaps the favorite of many Internet users and users. This for the following reasons, first by factors of comfort since one click is enough to perform the transaction. Secondly, the diversity and the rapidity; You can find many and varied products that are not always available on physical media. And third, and perhaps most important, by its scope and its response capacity. The success of Internet sales lies in three main points: ease, time and relevance. Internet sales allow users to buy and sell a variety of products and services with the least effort and in the shortest time, in addition to be able to reach sites of sale, previously regarded as unviable. Are increasingly the sites of Internet sales, to which Internet clients can access and consequently find services of all kinds and prices, which are adapted to the interests, tastes and needs of each person. Finally, we can say that the Internet is racing anything previously seen, in other words, it is reaching such a success and importance, that now makes possible the execution of operations of Internet sales.


Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

Go Spain, will be easier and cheaper for foreign tourists, because they can acquire an international bond, with this they can travel on all high-speed lines at competitive prices. Through this fee flat, which will be offered by RENFE, and the network of cities AVE with bonds of 7, 14 or 21 days, also benefited from other kinds of discounts like: hotels, restaurants, theatres and shops, always and when are localities belonging to the network. The prices of the bonds are still not defined. Francisco Pulido, Mayor of Cuenca, estimated that the package of seven days can have a cost of 60 euros. Bid bonds, only you can purchase directly, i.e. without tour operators of means. The intension of this new tourism plan, is that foreign travelers can benefit from discounts in hotels, in this way, can enjoy cheap hotels, without depriving yourself of comforts. We are talking about hotel discounts of 10% during weekends and 15% during the week (with a minimum stay of two nights). Discounts in restaurants, on the other hand, will be located around 7%. In addition the network of cities bird has established an agreement with Turespana for 200,000 euros, this consists in promoting destinations with high speed in the offices of tourism of Spain abroad. The Mayor of Cuenca supports the benefits provided by the network of cities AVE (basin is part of this network), and stressed that one of the pillars which is allowing a little sustain tourism activities in Spain and especially in Cuenca, is foreign tourism.

Alpaca Aryan

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Mirrors in which not to watch itself. A professional soccer player of the considered ones of first level assumes that, not only she receives (splendidly, by the way) to demonstrate on a game land his virtues with the ball in the feet, also to maintain a behavior and an education that any sportsman must remember more always in the exercise of his activity and if she belongs to the group of the calls of elite that are followed by thousands of children and young people to whom to a certain extent they are forced to give a good example. Lamentably there are some professionals (), that they are in the mind of any fan, which they do not know to behave within a field with the minimum indispensable education, and this not only is worth for a sportsman, I also make it tensile for any person. When his trainer replaces in the course of a party, exerting freely the responsibilities and rights of his position, by the way they fit, it negatively and some no longer are thing of which they put bad face, leave the field protesting, others watch their technician with challenging aspect, some until are even faced with him and some more recriminates daring it and until it insults to him. Others, for that reason thank heavens not educated, deny to their trainer the hand to him when this it approaches to congratulate them. If this it is the sport mirror in which they are had to watch our small soccer players bad example we are giving them for when they are majors. Trainer soccer Formation.

Buy Disguises

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

Where to buy disguises for the children? When the celebrations arrive from birthday or the dates of Sorceresses or at times of carnivals approach, a question for the parents approaches: what disguise to him I put young. For a time the infantile celebrations come mainly loaded from emotion if it is asked to them the children to concur disguised. It is necessary to remove there to shine the originality. But the time and the capacities do not allow us we must resort to a store and buy disguises for them. In the market there are many prepared stores to receive to us and to offer us what we are looking for and better still, if we do not know what we are looking for, to us and usually they prepare to us not only not to spend more of the account but in addition to be able to use the suit again. An option is to think how many celebrations we ahead have left and of that way to consider the amount of times that we will be able to give utility to the dress. To cross, to enter, to ask are an option.

Another one is to be kind to the supplies that leave by Internet in specialized sites of supplies that often, by very accessible prices they send to us pocketed and ready to use, very well made plastic disguises and paper. Recently time, we secured with friendly a six promotion of disguise of monkey for children and taking advantage of the discount it was happened to us to dress to each one of the small in a detail so that its disguise seemed unique and original with little money. Another option is to take advantage of the assorted supplies for example referees and balls, disguises that come with extra wigs of different colors. Or to by hand have cotillones, caps, flags several that will allow us to add a distinction detail. He is not so common young to obtain disguises to them for pairs as if it happens for the majors, but is very common in the Internet auctions that can be able the suits of even and thus to solve friendly problems. A point that does not have to forget is the maquillaje: also it is important there that it puts hands builds to them. If it looks for it will be able to obtain pinturitas for face that last long and they give him it touches end to the clothes.