Posts Tagged ‘creativity’

The World Has Two Halves

Friday, January 17th, 2014

Marco Tulio0 Cicero: The good citizen is one who cannot tolerate a power that pretends to be in their homeland over laws the world is divided into two: those who comply with the rules and those who do not meet them. Life in society implies compliance. In his book the social contract Juan Jacobo Rousseau that humans must find a form of partnership that we defend and protect. The fundamental problem of this partnership is resolved through that contract whose clauses must be well defined. However, any standard would be reduced, according to the author, to a single point: these well understood clauses are reduced all to a single, namely: the total alienation of each associate with all their rights to the whole society. Our Academy of language, in turn, defines society as: natural or agreed upon grouping of people who are different from each of its individual, unit to meet, through mutual cooperation, all or any of the purposes of life.

The fact of grouped for meet some or all of the purposes of life implies the vocation to cooperate with others and subjection to rules. In the case of the common good it is desirable that all individuals will voluntarily comply with theirs. If there is not a voluntary submission the State will exert the force and become an authoritarian body and most of the time unfriendly for citizens. If it does not it will be, on the contrary, a weak entity, object of mockery and the lack of credibility of the partners. The world is reduced in this way to two halves: those who comply and those who do not comply. The first do so because they are honest, good people and decision-makers.

Or they do by the fear of getting into trouble with the authorities. Moto taxi driver is not placed the helmet because they are convinced that need to do so to protect his life, but because of failure to do so will expose you to a severe financial penalty. Those who do not meet standards have different motivations: do not know them, do not want to meet them, can not or are simply ensoberbecido and do not believe in the obligation to fulfil. The latter is the case of drivers who stop their cars to speak among themselves and when they are called attention respond with obvious discomfort: we are in Colombia, or everybody does it. When this last happens, the world is divided into two: those who await with patience and those who curse silently. By: Alejandro Rutto Martinez Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a writer and journalist italo-colombiano who also teaches in several universities. He is the author of four books on ethics and leadership and is contained in three anthologies of Colombian authors. Contact to the cel. 300 8055526 or email. Please read their writings in MAICAO to D?A page in which you will find writings, chronicles and beautiful parts of the Colombian literature. Original author and source of the article