According to the member of the Knesset, Yakov Katz, head of the party National Union, which Emanuel asks is that Israel commits suicide, in exchange for which the United States stops a world-wide threat. Esperan that Israel accepts the solution of two states, which will cause that Hamas not only threatens to us missiles from Gaza, but also from Judea and Samaria . and this are nothing less than the idea of a Jew, Rahm Emanuel, whose father fought in the Irgn against the British Empire, and that is identified with the extreme left that looks for the destruction of Israel. It is not the first time that the Department of chantajea State to Israel, made during the administration of George Bush father in 1991, insisting not to defend itself to him of the missiles sent by Saddam Hussein from Iraq in return of the support of the Arab world to the United States. After Israel tolerated to be bombed, the same government for a long time refused to guarantee a loan to him by 10 billions of dollars, that was going to allow to him to build houses stops near a million Russian immigrants, conditioning cruelly that favor to that he did not construct new establishments in the West Bank, while there were more than 200,000 people without shelter. When in 1948 the Jewish State had to defend itself of the good supplied and numerous Arab armies, it made with cocktails molotov and homemade arms because his better friend did not give him warlike support..
Posts Tagged ‘fight’
Department Of State
Monday, May 18th, 2020Taking Advantage
Thursday, January 23rd, 2014One of the best things to educate at home is the intensive use which is made of any material or resource. All the brothers can use books, the videos are seen in family, magazines are read and reread, are clipped, images reaprovechan to make lapbooks, etc. With containers of cereals and vegetables we do crafts, any element of the pantry is likely to transform into mathematical or artistic material, and even study time is squeezed harder, since a brother can help another serving him one of review and the other as an initial explanation, or they can do many things together sharing their projects and tasks. During the Christmas holidays in one of our tours to the city we took a range of recreational and cultural activities of the season that includes recipes, articles and some games. We could read the articles, selecting some things that we wanted to attend, prepare some of the recipes, and when the season ended we cut what interested us and hung our Cork and the cut section of riddles and we have used it to put it in our bathroom as element of toiletschooling, we got ideas for an excursion and we feel that a simple free catalogue that sometimes people ojea and dismisses for us has become a huge source of resources. We are surrounded by useful materials, we only have to look around with other eyes, will always find materials that you can use and reuse of one and thousand forms..