Posts Tagged ‘it’

Cioforum Importance

Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

Advocacy extended Board and wants public relations strengthen Munich the Association has described the cioforum – the CIOs and IT managers – at its annual general meeting on 13 November in Munich the role of IT in times of crisis as hypercritical life. Chief Executive Officer Wolfgang Franklin described the special position of IT for all the companies which should ensure continuity and innovation in this area especially in times of crisis in his opening speech. With over 1200 members, the cioforum established itself as largest community of interest of the CIO in the German-speaking world. The Association will step up its activities and appoints two new members to the Board of Directors for: Constantin Kontargyris and Dr. Andreas Rebetzky. Some contend that Dalton Caldwell shows great expertise in this. Kontargyris, Group CIO for TuV Rheinland and expert in the industry, will be in charge as Executive Vice President for the cooperation with other associations, organisations and bodies. Rebetzky, CIO at the technology specialists Bizerba, is in the future for the press and public relations of the Association responsible: “the cioforum will appeal to more intensively the topics of the time in terms of information technology. While we are committed to the needs of CIOs towards the company, the suppliers and the policy”, so Rebetzky after his election to the Board of Directors.

The Association that sees its main function, to represent the interests of the CIOs. CIOs are often between the millstones of the requirements of the management and the restrictive possibilities of technologies and budgets. “The CIOs are located in a straightjacket between enterprise-wide standardization, innovative process optimization and the enormous cost pressure”, Rebetzky describes the situation in the industry. Dr. Andreas Groth, former CIO of EADS, represented the importance of ratings IT M & a processes at the AGM. “In times of crisis, takeovers will gain considerably in importance. The enterprise value is heavily influenced by the value of the processes, which are depicted in IT.” For a due diligence methods available would be today, an assessment of companies clearly simplify.

United States

Sunday, March 25th, 2018

NSi offers consistently innovative products his customers that help relieve the growing pressure for business-critical processes”, explains Mike Morper, Vice President of marketing at NSi. The latest report of the BLI is a further recognition of our success since we have in mind not only MFPs as input channel. “Instead, any type of document can capture no matter whether analog or digital, and in real time provide, what with a real competitive advantage.” More info on the BLI report: solutions/capture/NSi AutoStore-6-0/letter author: Dipl.-ing. Corinna Scholz about NSi notable Solutions Inc., shortly, NSi, is one of the leading providers of software, information from digital or physical documents more efficiently capture and process to can. Headquartered in Rockville, Maryland/United States evolved since 1995 manufacturer and system-independent solutions that enable multifunction devices (MFP: print, scan, copy, fax) all leading manufacturers better integrated in departmental operations.

Today, over 100 employees at its headquarters and nine worldwide subsidiaries are engaged. Around the globe, more than 8,000 customers use the products by NSi and hold about 30,000 Server licenses for about 250,000 connected multifunction devices (MFP) and network scanner as input media (stand: 06/12). The NSi Europe GmbH in Wetzlar serves the regions of Europe, Middle East and Africa. Germany is the second largest market after the United States and a continuous growth. More info: portfolio that takes over the flagship product AutoStore automated detection of paper and files, the central processing and secure transfer of documents to the intended recipient or target system. The advantages of the intuitive-to-use application are: less manual effort, faster processing and precise drop. Input media workstation, a range that is unique on the market supports local scanner and over 500 different multifunctional devices (MFP), network scanners and copiers. Well-known manufacturers such as Canon, develop, Fujitsu, HP, Kodak, Kyocera, Konica there are Minolta, Lanier, Lexmark, Ricoh, Savin, sharp and Xerox. The selection of potential target systems is equally comprehensive, ranging from fax, email, and FTP servers via various groupware and collaboration products to 40 different systems for document management (DMS) and enterprise content management (ECM). NSi offers other standard products, efficiently complementing AutoStore and thus increase customer benefits.

Manager Web

Thursday, February 15th, 2018

The application receipt is satisfactory then a can be done in three different ways: via online application form via email or by post but also. By matching the nominal of the is skills is usually a pre-selection among the applicants, to reduce the time required for the taking place after job interviews or even assessment centers to a minimum. In the course of an assessment Center several candidates are facing in entrepreneurial practice problems, which should be resolved as best as possible on the part of the applicant to identify the most suitable for the vacancy applicants as a result. On the contrary, interviews are conducted with only one applicant per appointment. The candidate Manager Web-based, innovative Recruiting software by BITE helps companies along the entire process chain of applicant management. Starting from the granular detection and management of vacancies on the effortless recording and publication of vacancies, up to a granular application management including the associated digital files of the applicants. Vacancies can be created according to the existing corporate design of the company in the BITE application manager with the help of numerous styles and formatting options – in a very short time. Is through the granular, digital files of the applicants on the one hand the matching between requirements and candidate qualifications as well as supports on the other side of the uniform evaluation of different candidates with each other.

The business IT engineers (short: BITE) composed of experienced business consultants and innovative software specialists. As a consultant, the business IT engineers supporting companies of any size and industry for years. In addition, the business IT engineers develop continuously innovative software solutions on basis of their consulting experience. This pragmatic tools for the sustainable implementation of improved procedures and processes in the company produces with the software products of BITE. With the candidate Manager BITE the business IT engineers have developed a fully Web-based recruiting software, which offers both ease of use and stability. We have made our our work our passion: business IT engineers – speed up your business!

Shared Success Is

Friday, November 6th, 2015

a multi-tiered affiliate program to the beginning of the year will start from 2013 2013 iSM starts the iSM as a German manufacturer of a powerful IAM solution (IAM = identity & access management) a broad-based affiliate program. Medium-sized distributors who want to align their service portfolio on sustainability as well as larger systems integrators are thus addressed. With this new program, we want to give a timetable for the hand all existing and potential sales and implementation partners. With this they can acquire the necessary skills, they need for the marketing and implementation of IAM software. “Our bi-cube identity & access management solution is especially designed for this purpose and elaborately prepared been.” explains Barbara Muller Philipps son, Managing Director of marketing & sales. The iSM provides a wide range of free support and assistance for its partners. A training program that included among other things a Comprehensive information, providing analysis tools and permanent access to the IAM-cloud solution bi-cube anywhere. In this, the partners can demonstrate at any time directly live the latest features.

A high business offers the established identity & access management solution of the iSM – Institute for System-Management GmbH in Rostock all distributors and VAR (value added resellers) potential. The bi-cube solution in numerous functions from the competition stands out. The modularity of the software makes for the iSM partner to a sustainable business model, because the customer completes its solution usually with additional components to IAM after the implementation project. Experience has shown that generates each customer more business topics, focusing on basis of bi-cube can be translated very quickly and thus cost-effective architecture and technology. The bi-cube solution boasts a up to 70% lower implementation costs than other software solutions in this genre. Depending on the functionality of the IAM and degree of organization of IT of the User company consulting only between 30 and maximum 100 days are required, whereas competitors often need 300 days and more consulting. An unbeatable advantage and a good starting point for the extraction of numerous project customers in this segment! From SMEs to large corporations and in all industries is bi-cube can be used. The poses for the partner you chance its earnings structure with bi-cube to shift to a wider customer base and thus at the same time from the one-time license income sustainable and werthaltigem service to move.

The comprehensive set of business rules, the predefined structures, and the principle of modelling instead programming”enable the partners after relatively of short training in the position to advise their clients in establishing a powerful IAM and to support. The customer also benefits from the high technological level of the solution. In particular the bi-cube process management provides the user companies quickly demonstrable added value. Since automation saves not only money but increases also the level of safety.”argues Barbara Muller Philipps son. We welcome committed partner. So how we work close to our customers, we would stand with our partners in a dialogue. Our partner programme aims to be successful.