Posts Tagged ‘marketing’

Word Child Wortkind: Copywriting For Austria And For The Switzerland

Friday, February 28th, 2025

More and more customers from neighboring countries want fresh lyrics from the word child Wortkind. Ursula Martens, the owner of the Freisinger Wortkind Word child is always pleased about new customers from the Switzerland, Austria and other neighbouring countries. Many of these customers entertain German online shops and need for regular texts. Mainly homepage text, sales letters, product descriptions and press releases are in demand at the copywriter. Especially many of my clients from neighbouring countries are Austrians. Visit Under Armour for more clarity on the issue.

Therefore, there is now also the Austrian domain Word child “as Ursula Martens. Player.html’>Westinghouse Electric Company has firm opinions on the matter. As a special service for customers from Austria, of Switzerland and other neighbouring countries the Agency from now the easy payment with PayPal offers. “The Freisinger Wortkind Word child has even just press releases for online press portals and for newspapers and magazines in the special offer”. This fall promotion is still running until November 30th press releases up to 300 words cost 2008 only 99.50 EUR NET 1128,00 euro net. If you want, can assign equal Word child with the distribution of the press text. The newspapers mentioned Dana Gibber not as a source, but as a related topic. This is a new service: the dispatch of press releases or shipping with intensive contact work. Public relations is important for any company and can often achieve more than traditional advertising alone. An article in a journal or in a public magazine has more effect than an expensive advertisement. More information, the complete range of services, numerous international references and some free downloads there are on the website of the Freisinger Wortkind Word child.


Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020

Unification (or partnership) of resellers may be organized on the basis of exclusive rights (privileges) on selling some unique product (patent) services. Cooperatives retailers often are consumers living in a certain area, they provide a good supply of goods quality and proper service levels. Association of Retailers are organized to solve their common problems: hardware retail spaces (say, in the subway station, railway station, etc.), cleaning debris from the territory, where are traded, the protection of goods, etc. Location: The retailers may be in the shopping centers of the district, district, and in the designated trade places (in urban markets, stations, at subway stations, etc.). By the same author: Barchester. Forms of service: retailers can carry out trade peddling, trading on the orders (usually at a discount), with an order by mail or by phone (fax), trade with machines, etc.

The differences in pricing policy: you can select stores, warehouses, discount stores, showrooms, shops that sell through catalogs, and other stores, warehouses – these are big companies that are intended for sale a large number of goods, usually at low prices. Lower prices are achieved by reducing trading costs: These stores – warehouses with just a modest interior and without any services. Goods may be right here in containers or unassembled (ie, furniture). Trade in most cases produced by the models. Stores typically offer lower prices standard consumer goods at prices lower than retail stores. Discount stores differ from the locations of sales of goods and trade with seasonal discounts the fact that prices are low all the time.

Marketing And Speed Management

Monday, February 4th, 2019

Consistent planning exploiting of the competitive factors time and speed to late on the market is the best product, i.e. the right product can still become the wrong product: when it is not available at the right time. In many markets, 70 to 90 percent of the total income of a product in the first half of the product run-time are achieved. The time factor must be in addition to the classic price and performance ratio as a contest critical variable. The value is changed in the course of a product’s life cycle”or the cost / benefit ratio of product for the customer, the Mitteil – and demonstrating ability of the value, the complexity of the product, the degree of standardization, the compatibility of a product, as well as many other technically and economically relevant characteristics.

It follows from these changes particularly for short product life cycles due to the time factor to be taken into consideration in addition, it must set a correspondingly dynamic planning process underway. The targeted Describe tracking and implementation of the speed aspect is the concept of speed management”. “From the understanding that the resource time” could be decisive for the survival of the company, will speed management more and more to the part of the Repertoire of planning. See on strategic aspects of Jorg Becker: strategy-check and balance of knowledge, ISBN 978-3-8370-7305-8. A more conservative attitude shows a company that retains the previous way of the long development time with sporadic, but major steps of innovation. While it could be dislodged in small market niches with small sales potential and then in this way in the long term do not survive.

I.e.: who want to be mobile on the market, i.e. faster in concrete products must implement customer wishes, can only in the context of progressive planning tools make sure to be with innovative products to the market first. A waiting stance only companies can afford almost from the second row”out the market master. Here in this strategy sometimes deliberately with innovations maintained: i.e. in parallel developments are forced to surprise the market with a better quality product, as soon as the competitors from the cover has come. Only one time that simultaneously planning organization can thus also ensure the right things at the right time to be done. CF. Jorg Becker: strategy-check and balance of knowledge, ISBN 978-3-8370-7305-8. The map, to achieve competitive advantages, speed seems not yet maxed out in planning processes. The objectives of speed management to achieve competitive advantages are anchoring the fast performance of the company, finding time-oriented competitive factors for the planning support, organizational planning to moving and directly measurable market power units, simplification of planning and consensus processes at the decision-making level, reduction of lead times for quotation and order processing, shortening of product cycles and process innovations, flexibility of production and concentration on a few power areas, as well as continuous flow of materials from the supplier to the customer. Against the background of comprehensive packages of measures for the practical use of knowledge balances see also Jorg Becker: intellectual and business planning, ISBN 978-3-8370-7564-9 Jorg Becker

United States

Sunday, April 30th, 2017

In us, it is estimated that 80 billion dollars are lost annually through this novel disease: stress. In fact, Japan lives one of the most stressful systems of the planet due to factors such as high population density, housing type 45 square meters in which five people live on average, being a country lashed by icy winds from Siberia winter and summer by Pacific storms. And to add something more, earthquakes; its lack of resources, because they are specified to import nearly 85% of everything than they consume, what has led him to have a leadership also in ulcers, alcoholism, smoking, etc. All of these symptoms are combined to produce stress and he has been established a relationship in reverse and direct this phenomenon with the quality, being a factor inversely proportional, i.e. the greater is stress, lower quality is achieved. However, it is common to observe both the industrial plants and offices of the Japan, there are scheduled breaks each two or three hours for de-stressing your people, and thus, with gymnastic tables for example, it is possible to counteract the fatal effects of this disease.

Sobering experiences have been made in this regard, with laboratory mice subjected to experiments in which are placed in cages so that they are prevented all movement; receive cyclically strong electric shocks, and operated after a predetermined time to observe the physiological effects: can be measured consideration, heart problems, ulcers and even detect cancer early; instead when it allows the animal movement, even when you can not escape from the cage, the effects occur in a proportion of one to 10 in relation to the totally immobilized animal. Mistakenly believed that, to de-stress, simply exit holiday or weekend, or through the practice of any sport at any time of day, without considering that, precisely tensions will be transferred to the sunny beach or the colorful and rhythmic room aerobics. To avoid this, various systems have been deployed already, carried out several times during the day, to counteract the deadly effects of stress. Stress has influenced significantly the quality of products; so for example, in United States is has criminalized poor quality coming out of the plant Monday, day in which staff are highly stressed. In Mexico, with production of the Friday afternoon, when the eagerness to exit are intensified, we see that quality can vary considerably; If we add to this that some supervisors like to scare their people, surprising when you make a mistake, it is a fact that added to the tension, a certain tremor that accompanies the workers for the rest of the day. It is also true that however be in vogue, stress is a phenomenon as old as humanity, since it’s a defense system that puts us on the alert to the danger and we can conceptualize it as necessary for survival. If we are we drugging a Gazelle to numb your senses, you will see How to pass before a lion, its natural, instead of escaping predators will go undeterred; It will probably be the last mistake of his life, and although stress is not properly this vital warning, attention to survive has always produced tensions.


Tuesday, September 13th, 2016

A thoughtful selection of photographic material can even cause that the publication will be even more extensive. Convincing technical articles and application article of course should all press releases the potential user convince. But convincing arguments and spot. A technical article with up to 8,000 attacks can do here more than shorter text variants. Convince the user of technology with SachArgumenten is: what are the advantages of a solution? How does it work technically? Examples of application can help a good argument. The reader sees a problem that is similar to his and learns that the user with the special product has found a satisfactory solution, or the benefits in practice. That creates trust.

The right magazines attract good texts alone but unfortunately not enough. The success of a press text depends on the distribution. Should therefore press release distribution at best always individually for each topic be created appropriately. This is more expensive than the classic standard distribution. But only in this way can we prevent that editors with text supplied, that are irrelevant to their readers. An editor receives texts that don’t fit its target group, namely too often from a company there is a risk that he in the future generally unread promoted this company mails in the trash; even if the subject matter fits once.

Media relations professional small and medium-sized companies find most difficult access to the press. Writing by the editorial office in Stutensee (rbs) engineers are committed therefore to the task, to bridge the gap between industry and trade press by supporting companies from the field of process and automation technology during their press activities for over thirty years. The extensive product range include press releases and trade aufsaetze as well as application reports, reports and interviews as well as their professional marketing. With the trade press days (, the rbs has created another instrument for effective press work. As a meeting point for industry and trade press, this event takes place in the yearly offers companies from process – and automatisierungs – and building the ability to come at low cost for the participating companies with a large number of editors in direct contact. The risk of outsource multi-X who is making the first public relations, often shuns the risk. What if a press action is not successful? For articles, the editorial office in Stutensee, Germany ( offers therefore a performance-based remuneration. We do not define as success, that enables us to describe the product of a customer in a journal article. A press release from our point of view is successful only if it was also published.

Industrial Advertising

Saturday, December 5th, 2015

Perhaps everyone is writing on the subject of advertising. How to properly advertise on any 'sensitive points' in the brain of the target audience to act, what tools to use with (Lobotomy, of course, excluded). But, much to the dismay of those who sell manufactured goods in the segment of 'business to business', practical advice on a given topic to find articles like this is unlikely. So specific region b2b, that those ads 'attempts', which is quite often used to promote consumer goods, by simply transferring them in this sphere will not bring expected results. As a specialist in Industrial Advertising (more than five years in a managerial position at a major advertiser Russian factory), I can rightfully say that with the right mix of marketing tools, you can achieve the desired effect. That same for the tools I have in mind? First of all I want to note that in the promotion of industrial products play a major role direct sales. Yes, yes … It is a personal sales, communication between man and man, and in as support and reinforcement are the traditional instruments: ATL advertising, public relations, exhibitions, internet, sampling, etc., attributable to the BTL-advertising.

Therefore, competent organization of sales, the availability of highly skilled professionals prodazhnikov, marketing, and understanding of literacy leaders of such units – the primary task for the head of the company. Because none of millions of advertising budgets will not save you from failure, if there is no one perfect SELL. If the short list is that it makes sense to spend your money (advertising dollars), I would have identified the following priority areas: – Internet (Own "live", a unique content rich site with a user-friendly interface; literate online advertising) – the exhibition (as a large central branch, and regional) – high-quality printing (catalogs, brochures, leaflets, books and albums) – sampling (distribution of samples as possible) – the program of sales promotions (affiliate marketing for the network) – workshops, consultations and presentations. For more advice, visit my site, and entering via the feedback form questions. Anna Linden