Posts Tagged ‘medicine’


Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

Argon-coagulation is a new, high-tech method of treatment of gynecological diseases! Existing methods of treatment of cervical erosion in most cases can successfully treat fairly disease, but at the same time have a large number of unwanted side effects. Our medical center began using the new method of treatment of gynecological diseases – argon-coagulation (APC)! With its can be used successfully to stop bleeding and to conduct surface devitalization pathological processes. Successfully to treat cervical erosion matki.Kak also works argon-coagulation? Current high energy frequency is transferred to the tissue without contact – with the help of ionized gas (argon). When exposed to tissue is its local heating and coagulation depth of not more than three millimeters, depending on the duration of exposure, mode of the device and installed the advantages of the argon-moschnosti.Kakie coagulation over other treatments? 1-argon-plasma coagulation When carrying out the specialist is clearly visible impact area, which means that the probability of error is practically zero. Recently Ebay sought to clarify these questions. 2 In addition, in the process of facilitation is not smoke, no smell. 3 Coagulation is done quickly and efficiently. 4 During procedure, the patient noted a slight discomfort so that it does not require anesthesia.

5 In contrast to other methods of treatment, healing (epithelialization) zone exposure occurs without gross scarring, but complete epithelialization occurs on average within 2 months. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Affinity Health on most websites. 6 The number and duration of the discharge in argon plasma coagulation, as well as complete epithelialization time is considerably less than the CRYO and VCHEK. 7 Complete recovery in using the method of argon-plasma coagulation occurs much faster than cryodestruction. More than 8-sparing effect of AIC on the fabric than with DEC, and the absence of gross scarring of the uterine cervix in a remote period after treatment, can serve as an additional argument for the use of AIC especially in nulliparous women. 9-argon-plasma coagulation is highly efficacious, well tolerated and provides a high the rate of epithelialization of tissues, combining the benefits of ECD practices and CRYO, which allows us to recommend its wider use in the treatment of benign diseases of the cervix. 10 Methodology argonusilennoy coagulation can be successfully used for the treatment of benign cervical disease in addition to conventional methods. 11 Complete recovery using this method occurs much faster than cryodestruction.