Posts Tagged ‘noticias-actualidad’

Francisco Jodar Alonso

Monday, March 19th, 2018

EP have known first-hand how advancing the tasks of reconstruction. The visit was led by the Mayor of the city, Francisco Jodar. The Red be disputed in Murcia your next friendly against Australia. The Spanish national basketball team, which played Murcia in its next friendly, did stop this Monday in Lorca to visit ground zero of the earthquakes that ravaged this region and give encouragement to victims. Hundreds of fans waited with enthusiasm for the red next to the Mayor of the city, Francisco Jodar Alonso, who pointed out that this visit was a breath of fresh air to the city, besides, being commissioned to teach players and body technician how is being carried out the work of reconstruction of the area. In template name, Felipe Reyes was commissioned to be interested in the evolution of the process of reconstruction moving their questions to the Mayor. Before continuing his way to Murcia, players have dedicated a few minutes attention to various victims of the earthquakes with the signing of autographs and taking pictures. Source of the news: the Spanish national basketball team visit ground zero of the earthquakes in Lorca.

Protect Against attacks

Sunday, March 12th, 2017

The director of communication in Latin America ensures that you became to set foot in devices that will dominate the world of the Internet connection. The company paid 12.5 billion dollars by Motorola, in the midst of the struggle for the licenses or patents. Google has denounced a campaign of bad practices by Apple and Microsoft for harming its Android operating system. Google’s director of communication for Latin America, Alberto Arebalos, said today the operation of purchase from Motorola is to protect themselves from attacks by Apple and Microsoft, but also to put one foot in the world of devices that they will dominate the world of the internet connection. We will not change business, Arebalos stressed in an interview in Bogota.

The news of the purchase of the phone maker Motorola Mobility by the internet giant, still pending approvals in several countries, stunned the business world last month. The amount of the operation, the largest acquisition of the company of which he is Executive Chairman Eric Schmitd, was of 12,500 million dollars. Arebalos stressed that it is not any secret that behind this operation is the struggle for the licenses or patents. Each Mobile Smartphone has tens of thousands of components that require licenses. Motorola, inventor of the mobile phone and radio for cars, recalled Arebalos, boasts over 14,000 licenses. Google, which has the operating system for mobile devices Android, number one in EE UU, with 44% of the market, says that he has suffered hard attacks, Microsoft and Apple, which have joined forces to buy licenses that the company needs. The issue of the licenses has become a competitive weapon in the high-tech industry, said Arebalos, for whom it is impossible that in a market as large and with speed changes happen which will be a definitive winner. In a recent article in the blog of Google, the company outlined its views on what defines as an extremely hostile campaign and an anti-competitive strategy of Apple, Microsoft and other companies to harm Android, based on dubious practices with old Novell and Nortel patents.