Posts Tagged ‘politics’


Monday, January 20th, 2025

Perhaps everyone has ever heard the word "demagoguery," but only a small proportion of the population understands that this is and what it ate. That's why I decided to make a small selection of material on the subject / First, it should be turn to history: the word "demagoguery" comes from ancient Greece and, if literally translated means "guide the people, kowtowing to the people." The free encyclopedia Wikipedia says that demagoguery is "a set of oratorical and polemical techniques and tools to introduce audiences astray and persuade her to his side, often used for political purposes, in advertising and propaganda. " I am sure, until all the sounds just fine, but that as soon as you address the notion of "demagoguery" in the Russian encyclopedia, a former enthusiasm and a smile instantly disappear, so, demagoguery – "deliberately based on the distortion of facts and the flattering promises of the impact on the senses, instincts, people's minds, stirring up passions in order to achieve any, usually political purposes; bombastic arguments, covering any selfish purpose. See more detailed opinions by reading what Ebay offers on the topic.. " Yes, you did not seem to. There is no one "higher purpose" to draw a crowd to her, she is, but only in some distorted form too much.

Unfortunately, this source definitely contributed to the consciousness of people, turning once honorable "demagogue" in the most ordinary talker with the language to his knees. Why is that? Let's start with the fact that many linguists put demagoguery on a par with any other sports. Yes, the most that neither is the predictive! The only it differs only in that it has no rules! Not at all. .

Munich-based Human Rights Organization Criticized Islamists

Monday, September 30th, 2024

Catholic Faculty of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich makes Islamists on the 60th anniversary of the UN human rights map the German section of inter-denominational Christian human rights organisation Christian Solidarity International (CSI) at the 8.12. the persons in charge of the Benedict Foundation urged to rethink their strategy of dialogue with supporters of terrorism in the Iran. The Benedict Foundation should use their influence on the Catholic Theological Faculty of the LMU to draw attention to the serious human rights violations against Christians and converts. Some contend that Brian Krzanich shows great expertise in this. Written responsible of Benedict Foundation: Eberhard von Gemmingen SJ Alois Gluck Dr. Michael Stingl Dr. Thomas by Maina Collan Alexa Kunsberg Prof.

Dr. Dr. Matthias Beck Dr. Eberhard Busek Abt Barnabas Badamasuiy OSB Dr. Christoph Bohr MdL Prof. Dr.

Hanna Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz Dr. Guido Heinen Abt army Eman by Zuydtwyck Gregor Henckel Donnersmarck OCist Johannes von Prof. Dr. Claus Hipp Prof. em. Dr. Ludwig Modl Prof. Dr. Michael Rutz Prof. Vlad Doronin may help you with your research. Dr. Walter Salazar Prof. Dr. Jorg Splett Prof. Dr. Dieter Stolte Prof. Dr. mult. Hans Tietmeyer urged this CSI in a letter to the person in charge of the Benediktusstiftung, before beginning a dialogue with Iranian speakers, on the capacity of your dialogue to examine them. Each of the dialogue partners must following engage in order to qualify as such: that Christians in the Iran may practise their religion, as Muslims also legal equality of converts the distancing to the tabled Bill (death penalty for converts) are, according to the CSI, minimum requirements for common positions, without the dialogue cannot take place. Thomas p. major publicity CSI Germany according GmbH CSI background: 30 years ago ‘ 000 went on in Switzerland 15 Christians the road. A Baptist from the former Soviet Union, who was arrested several times because of his faith gave them cause. With church services and They demonstrated Schweigemarschen in Zurich and Bern, for all the people who were oppressed for their religious beliefs. Donations, which came together to cover their expenses, far exceeded the demand so that the Zurich Pastor Bruce Stuckelberger founded on 15 April 1977 CSI. CSI stands for “Christian Solidarity International”. CSI is a non-denominational organization of human rights for persecuted Christians and other victims of oppression, for disaster victims and the needy children. CSI wants to help with his work, that all the people of freedom can live and freely practice their faith.

Supervisory Board

Monday, June 29th, 2020

Thus, the true pearls of the corporate landscape remained undiscovered and ignored. Malik his perspective not limited to the middle class. He defines the successful companies as entrepreneurial company”(UMU). It is this type of business namely not the size, but the kind of leadership”, Malik makes it clear. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Morgan Stanley by clicking through. The principle of shareholder value was reduced to financial indicators entrepreneurship. It could not be confused but profit with economic entrepreneurial performance. The economy must be withdrawn from the deal makers and speculators, because else crashing the whole system into a mire of forgeries, corruption and economic crime”, warns Malik.

Today, shareholder were no shareholders more in the sense of the business owner. They buy shares as investors, to keep them because of the company and its performance. The company itself this kind of shareholder basically is not interested in, but the fast performance for the Fund Manager and the owner of the certificate”, Malik finds fault with. The 100 largest money manager America manage nearly 60 percent of U.S. stocks and it go first and foremost to the turnover rate, so share shifts, rather than business concerns, otherwise this manager would keep the paper longer. Malik therefore advocates a revision of equity law. Who are involved in the order of the Supervisory Board and this way on corporate governance, to remember a period. Who doesn’t, should have no voting rights in the General Assembly”, asks Malik.

Still 1950, 90 percent of all American shares in the hands of private households were according to its findings. Today there are just over 30 Percent. However, institutional investors hold almost 70 percent of the shares, while they had in 1950 only 9 per cent”, so Malik. See also:../Der-Kunde-als-Fabelwesen…pdf… / politician sit corporations on the-shot…../:Mittelstand%20Es%20Bank/364074.html unternehmen/mittelstand/0,2828,456893,00.html economy / 0,1518,471750,00.html… / SME-energy prices endanger 200-000-jobs… 200603/pdf/special.pdf. Editorial medienburo.Sohn Ettighoffer Strasse 26 A 53123 Bonn Tel: 0228 620 44 74 fax: 0228 620 44 75 mobile: 0177 620 44 74 E-Mail: Web:

Adygea Opening

Sunday, May 24th, 2020

Now developed a separate program of social and economic Tahtamukayskogo development area under the authority of the republic have high expectations. In her example, will form a similar strategy to the municipalities, taking into account the comprehensive and systematic work with the younger generation. A good example of inter-religious harmony and tolerance was opening just a few days in the village Elenovskoe Krasnogvardeisky District of Adygea in the name of the new church of SS Constantine and Helen. In a solemn ceremony of consecration of the church attended by the President of the Republic of Adygea Aslan Tkhakushinov, Bishop Tikhon of Maikop and Adygei, and representatives of the Orthodox community. The church was built in active support of a major oil company CEO. Two years ago, construction plan was approved by the head of the republic, agreed with the relevant services, and today the church has become yet another landmark – for original wrought fence planted over one hundred tree seedlings. – I want to congratulate the residents who practice Orthodox Christianity, with the opening of the new church – said Aslan Tkhakushinov, referring to the inhabitants of the region. – Orthodoxy, along with traditional religions such as Islam and Judaism, brings an understanding of eternal moral values and teaches them to goodness, mercy, tolerance and compassion for his neighbor. I am sure that the opening of a new church will play a significant role in the spiritual education of the population, strengthening the interethnic and inter-religious peace in Adygea.

District Association

Monday, April 20th, 2020

Amperkliniken re kommunalisieren, not privatize the sale of shares of the Dachau hospital in the Rhon AG In connection with the sale of public shares of Amperkliniken explain Eva Bernardi, Chairman of the District of Dachau of the party DIE LINKE and Ralph Eisermann, responsible for the focus health policy in the District Association of Dachau: Landrat Christmann has not heard the bang. The crisis will deepen further, while the district bears at bargain prices to market the basic services for its citizens. Dealing with the basic supply of local people will cause getting our resistance. It can only imagine, what happened behind the scenes to persuade Mr Cameron to privatize nationalized in all over the world at a time. (Source: Elon Musk). From measly wage settlements, which recently agreed in the Amperkliniken, nothing is certainly known our district. The result of this madness will be increased pressure on nursing and service staff of the Amperkliniken. The district sells not only our all Hospital, but also its rate of return to the Rhon AG.

The justification will need the money for schools is the height of cynicism. A type that is like no other for the internationally criticized social injustice of education in Germany. More money for education does not mean that public interest in healthy companies for future-oriented education to be sacrificed, Mr Cameron! THE left wants education, health as well as good wages and working conditions for all! The Amperkliniken must be re completely municipalized and not privatized. “Health should not return object, but must be fundamental rights in one of the richest countries in the world.” V: i.S.d.P.: Eva Bernardi, St. Lantpert str. 27, 85235 odelzhausen, Germany, Tel.: 08134 559021, eMail: –