Posts Tagged ‘roll’

Department Of State

Monday, May 18th, 2020

According to the member of the Knesset, Yakov Katz, head of the party National Union, which Emanuel asks is that Israel commits suicide, in exchange for which the United States stops a world-wide threat. Esperan that Israel accepts the solution of two states, which will cause that Hamas not only threatens to us missiles from Gaza, but also from Judea and Samaria . and this are nothing less than the idea of a Jew, Rahm Emanuel, whose father fought in the Irgn against the British Empire, and that is identified with the extreme left that looks for the destruction of Israel. It is not the first time that the Department of chantajea State to Israel, made during the administration of George Bush father in 1991, insisting not to defend itself to him of the missiles sent by Saddam Hussein from Iraq in return of the support of the Arab world to the United States. After Israel tolerated to be bombed, the same government for a long time refused to guarantee a loan to him by 10 billions of dollars, that was going to allow to him to build houses stops near a million Russian immigrants, conditioning cruelly that favor to that he did not construct new establishments in the West Bank, while there were more than 200,000 people without shelter. When in 1948 the Jewish State had to defend itself of the good supplied and numerous Arab armies, it made with cocktails molotov and homemade arms because his better friend did not give him warlike support..

Styles of Learning

Sunday, December 15th, 2013

The term learning styles talks about to the fact that when we want to learn something each of us uses its own method or set of strategies. Although the concrete strategies that we used vary according to what we want to learn, each of us tends to develop global preferences. Those preferences or tendencies to use plus certain ways to learn that others constitute our style of learning. The concept of the learning styles directly is related to the conception of the learning like an active process. If we considered that the learning is equivalent to receive information of passive way what the student does or thinks is not very important, but we understand the learning as the elaboration on the part of the receiver of the received information seems quite evident that each of us will process and relate the data received based on its own characteristics.

The DIFFERENT THEORIES AND AS THEY ARE RELATED To each other In the last decades have elaborated all type of theories and models stop to explain the differences in the form to learn. But, of all those theories and models which is the good one. The answer is that all and no. The word " aprendizaje" it is a very ample term that includes phases different from a same and complex process. Each one of the existing models and theories focus the learning from a different angle. When it is contemplated the totality of the learning process is perceived that those apparently contradictory theories and models to each other are not it as much and even that they are complemented. Like professors and following in which it leaves from the learning process we center our attention, times it will interest to us to use a model and other times another one. MODELS OF LEARNING STYLES the different models and existing theories on learning styles offer a conceptual frame that allows to understand the daily behaviors us in the classroom, as they are related to the form in which the students are learning and the type of action that can be more effective at a certain time.