Posts Tagged ‘the news’

Republic Museum

Sunday, June 21st, 2020

Towards the east and the south, they appear the deserts and the perpetual snows of the National Park the Snowed ones. To the being the capital, Manizales is a road axis of particular importance. At present constructions are carried out important of enmeshes road, lifted avenues, bridges, commercial centers and supermarkets that will give to major dynamism to this city. There are manifolds routes of bus, busetas and groups that allow to move to any district of the city with routes that take more up to one hour for the moved away points like the Pretty one in the western end and Maltera in the Eastern one. Manizales is located in center of the three main cities of Colombia, in the call Gold Triangle. The distance between Manizales and Bogota is of 290 km Between Manizales and Medelln there are 180 km and between Manizales and Cali there are 384 km Also is communicated with the neighboring capitals of Pereira and Armenia through the Freeway of the Coffee. Manizales counts on a national airport called Airport of the Nubia.

This airport counts on a track of approximately 1,400 meters and serves its 6 of 6 a.m. to p.m. Due to the changing conditions of the climate, often is closed by low visibility; therefore at the moment a new airport is being constructed destined to receive national flights as as much international. Also had to the climatologic conditions the use of the moving body he is complicated since the difficulty to be able to call or to send messages is high, for that reason also new more powerful antennas are being constructed. Manizales is a cultural and especially diverse city in this sense.

Several libraries exist between which are those that belongs to the different universities. As far as museums they stand out: the Museum of Gold of the Bank of the Republic, in which diverse pre-Columbian pieces are exposed; The Museum of Natural History (University of Calda); the Museum of Art (University of Calda); the Archaeological Museum (University of Calda), the Botanical Garden (University of Calda), the Museum of Natural History (University of Calda) and the Museum of Science and the Game (National University of Colombia). Also exhibition halls exist, between which they stand out: the Pinacoteca de Bellas Arts; the Bank of the Republic; Coffee Cultural bottom; the Museum of Art of Calda; Confamiliares; Institute Caldense de Cultura and Expoferias. The architecture of Manizales Integra the influences of different times, creating a very particular style, not only in its formal expression, but also, in the use of local materials like guadua and the wood, that adjust to the difficult topography and seismicity of the region. As a result of this, also the call is born republican architecture (name that takes the neoclassic forms from the national architecture). In its architecture the Cathedral stands out Basilica, done in iron and concrete, leaving the tradition of its time of Wood churches. The Cathedral Basilica is of neogothic style in its outer part and has marks of vault style (nose). This cathedral is under the invocation of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Margaret Thatcher

Saturday, June 20th, 2020

There speech of empoderamiento of the community like a passage of the action of the State to the social action. Apparently Cameron breaks with Margaret Thatcher and it is sent to look for energy of the citizens of the communities. Check out Nike for additional information. Another concept is shown that it invades throughout, the one of transition. In the case that we talked about it says of one " communitarian initiative of transicin". And a new expression, " transition of ciudades". Everything seems to indicate that the thought translated to the language does not pause and except the corresponding actions.

Tory as Cameron does not like much of the State, only that to this interesting handles it conservative from very different angles: to make back down to the State to allow this communitarian concept of society to advance express to posesionar itself. How to obtain it? The Reformation of planning of districts, social formation of a new generation of communitarian organizers, cooperative, companies and the frame constituted by the idea that the shrinking of the State must lead not to the atrophy of the community but to its development. Decentralization of responsibilities, power to the individuals, the communities and the civic institutions. We see in Latin American context: " the government has not given nada&quot me;. We see it in English context: " All need to the government but the action is through the family, the community and the company social". Perhaps my appointments of Cameron and than are ventilated by London is looking for does not see Comunism until in the soup. It is well, I know of the economic problems internal and of the necessity of cuts of massive expenses, but the interesting thing is in the solutions that look for, of outpost, what doubts fits. The cuts are going to produce duros effects on poorest, is known, but the interesting thing is to see as an economic crisis entails to the search of the common thing, of the community.

Forum Social World

Monday, May 11th, 2020

In resistance, the ethanol of the maize uses mature technology, and the maize culture can quickly be changed of nourishing use to the use for fuel. For Latin America the effects you will be also very significant and on it Daro Bugler indicates, that the rise to us of the price of foods the number of people with hunger in 2007 rose to 51 million. The FAO considers that, in 2008, that number is still greater.The most affected by the crisis they are the children and the minorities, like afrodescendientes and natives. In poor indigenous families of Bolivia and Peru, the chronic undernourishment afflicts, respectively, to 44% and 50% of the population. Parnassus Investments has many thoughts on the issue. In all the region, more than nine million children they are affected in its development due to an insufficient feeding. In Nicaragua, Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru the levels of infantile chronic undernourishment remain very high.

In the note realised by Associated Press titled food Scarcity would persist in the 2009 in Latin America written by Sergio of Leon, it is indicated that it is foreseeable that the scarcity and the shortage last enel 2009. Although in the region world-wide powers in the production of some cereals and foods exist, like Brazil and Argentina, many other countries, mainly in Central America and the Caribbean, depends on the imports and for that reason they are set out a the swings of the volatile international market. Danske Bank often addresses the matter in his writings. President of the Federation of National of Organizations Campesinas, Natives and Blacks (Fenocin) of Ecuador, Luis Andrango Chain, attributed the crisis to the development model in which is seen more feeding than like a right, like merchandise. On the other hand the director of policies of the FAO for Latin America, Fernando Grove, thinks that the governments of the region must give back the dignity to the farmers with a public policy that a factor of the poverty does not see them like, but like part of the solution of the problem of the poverty. It is necessary to take very in serious what one commented in the Forum Social World-wide of Belem, Brazil: We are before a global crisis brought about by the Capitalism that does not have exit within this system. All the adopted measures to leave the crisis only look for to socialize the losses to assure the survival a system based on the privatization of strategic sectors the economy, of the services public, of natural and power resources, the mercantilizacin of the life and the operation of the work and the nature, as well as the transference of resources of the periphery to the center and of the workers and workers to the capitalist class..

Cultural Side

Wednesday, April 10th, 2019

Vienna was the home of the Hapsburg of the Empire. The Empire has gone away, but it continues being of rich imperial Vienna in history and is many places of historical interest to be visited by all the city. It can find a series of narrow medieval alleys and spotted streets and imperial places. Many old monuments can be found by all the city. The Palace of Schnbrunn and the Imperial Palace (Hofburg) are a delight for the view. The Imperial Treasure is a forced visit when it visits Vienna.

Imperial the Collection Furniture is a popular shutdown for the visitors to the city. If Ring walks throughout the Boulevard she can see the examples of impressive the majestic architecture. Asegrese to visit the Stephansplatz in the heart of the city where discharge can be seen needle of the cathedral. He will be able to raise the top of the needle and, in spite of the effort, it is worth the pain to enjoy the impressive views the totality Vienna and some his fields that will be compensated of the part superior. Parliament and the zoo aquarium is other sites that will be able to visit the tourists interested in Vienna. Besides by its rich history, Vienna is a decompleto city cultural interest. From the museums to art galleries, music to the festivales, Vienna has the sufficient thing to maintain occupied any tourist. It contains the Museum of Beautiful Arts, that is one of the greatest museums of the world of the art.

Vienna was the home of Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert and Johann Strauss. Nowadays, it counts on the Wiener Philharmoniker, that are one of the best orchestras worldwide, as well as the Singing Children of Vienna and the Conservatory of Vienna. The participation of numerous classic, festivales theaters of cinema and dance, operas, exhibitions and concerts. There are many museums and located cultural institutions in the district of museums. It will be able to see Vienna in one of its interesting excursions. This can be done in bus, on foot or in a rent car. Also it can take a walk by the city by means of the hiring of a bicycle, in street car or train. If it likes to relax a little, can take a slow boat throughout the Danube. The Tiergarten Wiener contains numerous excursions and wild life, is an funny place to relax. There is a variety of options of lodging in Vienna and the tourists must be able to find lodging for any style or budget. He can find beautiful hotels of five stars of luxury and if these are outside their budget, he can choose to lodge in a pension to a reasonable price with lodging and breakfast. Apartment-hotels, are a popular option in Vienna, since they provide a greater space and privacy with a kitchen totally equipped. Apartments of rent are also available, that go from smallest apartments of luxury to cheaper. These are some of the excellent options for families or groups or people who glide to remain in Vienna by more than one week. The youthful shelters and regular shelters also are available in all the city. Original author and source of the article.


Wednesday, September 19th, 2018

Lack of Inspiration/Motivation: You have your clear intensities, you know towards where you want dirigirte and even you can visualizarte in your final profit. But nevertheless you are a part of you, who does not concern the attractiveness of the plan, simply need energies. It costs to you to be consistent. Several much of Idea: This is clear signal that no there is clarity in which you want. It dominates a fear that you have not known to handle and you suspend to you by but enterprising which they are your intensities. Very rigid or Absolute goals: A created expectation exists of how each result must shine. It does not give space to the creativity and to flow before any change or unexpected challenge. The life is an unpredictable process and becoming attached us to a determined way of profit is to limit our possibilities of success and personal accomplishment.

If you want to create effective changes in your life, ten here some strategies that could apoyarte be successful in your diligence: It chooses a goal consciously that you feel manageable, and that continues being a challenge for you. Asegrate of which your goal is in direct relation with your Vision and Intention of personal life. As clear Ten as the water that you are investing your energies in which really you want, it is worth the pain and he is attainable. It defines a plan that not only delineates the majors steps to obtain it, but also what you need to complete to cause that happens. And that each one of the previous goes directed towards your vision, not towards the opposite side. It remembers that to size you are walking, always is opportunity to refine. Prate signs reason why mistresses and you dream. Asegurndote creates positive changes to watch each detail! Of this point in future Beam that happens!

Country Professionals

Wednesday, October 21st, 2015

It is not counted on libraries that maintain up-to-date books, data bank of information that provides aid to the participants in the optimization of their knowledge and applicability of these in their professional exercise. Little entailment of these universities with the enterprise sectors exists very, with the State, that allows them to enter itself in the real needs of these sectors, to remove benefit to its experiences, needs, to help itself to complement in form beneficial the assimilated thing in the theory, to fortify with professional practices, dynamic participation its professional formation. It is worrisome, as in the Venezuelan case, a constant complaint of the companies which the graduated ones leave with very close knowledge, with little amplitude is pronounced, very limited and too theoretical and with nonown knowledge of the present scenes, concretely, they are not providing what the country needs for its solutions, profits. Before this worrisome reality for the Venezuelan education superior, measures are due to take that they avoid that it is continued deteriorating. One becomes necessary to take actions that entail to demand of the private universities more academic rigor, less facilismo, commercialization, more commitment. All the deformations, weaknesses must be denounced that maintain and seriously affect the formation of professionals who Venezuela requires, to demand more academicism, better formation, especially in the races that we have mentioned, that today more than ever, are necessary stops to guarantee actions that help the country to leave the turbulences that it confronts more and, before a world-wide crisis that will repel in our economy. The public universities before this reality, have opportunities to confront the challenges that benefit to them in their projection to enable optimal professionals, if they set out it, more before a competition than it shows many weaknesses; simply their authorities must reconstruct their actions for an academicism of good level, to set out to rescue the deterioramiento of the education superior, guaranteeing the formation of good professionals who collaborate with the country for reaching the development that from is time already was due to have reached.

Styles of Learning

Sunday, December 15th, 2013

The term learning styles talks about to the fact that when we want to learn something each of us uses its own method or set of strategies. Although the concrete strategies that we used vary according to what we want to learn, each of us tends to develop global preferences. Those preferences or tendencies to use plus certain ways to learn that others constitute our style of learning. The concept of the learning styles directly is related to the conception of the learning like an active process. If we considered that the learning is equivalent to receive information of passive way what the student does or thinks is not very important, but we understand the learning as the elaboration on the part of the receiver of the received information seems quite evident that each of us will process and relate the data received based on its own characteristics.

The DIFFERENT THEORIES AND AS THEY ARE RELATED To each other In the last decades have elaborated all type of theories and models stop to explain the differences in the form to learn. But, of all those theories and models which is the good one. The answer is that all and no. The word " aprendizaje" it is a very ample term that includes phases different from a same and complex process. Each one of the existing models and theories focus the learning from a different angle. When it is contemplated the totality of the learning process is perceived that those apparently contradictory theories and models to each other are not it as much and even that they are complemented. Like professors and following in which it leaves from the learning process we center our attention, times it will interest to us to use a model and other times another one. MODELS OF LEARNING STYLES the different models and existing theories on learning styles offer a conceptual frame that allows to understand the daily behaviors us in the classroom, as they are related to the form in which the students are learning and the type of action that can be more effective at a certain time.

Enrique Krauze

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

It is a type of pens to take, and seems that he still does not have who him has written a biography of to be able and of its power. It has not been with any type of gratuity which Enrique Krauze is accumulated like enterprise intellectual more politician than academic, because its academic education it is seen him of what History for him is done: interpreting it from the left with a reading from the right, the one of an adjective democracy without adjectives that in the correct friendly to please them and in the incorrect enemies to disqualify those that, distant or near of Alfonso Kings, Jose Vasconcelos, Martin Luis Guzmn and Octavio Peace, and than they could teach to the unconditional disciple which did not learn of Daniel Cosio Villegas: the intellectual entereza and critical independence, to consider of Lorenzo Meyer on the teacher Daniel Cosio Villegas, and what Enrique Krauze de Octavio learned Peace was to nearly work the distance with the Prince of the State. Enrique Krauze is not of the intellectuals whom some crisis undergoes of brings back to consciousness, since being enthroned to the power by means of the biographies of the power, the historical test that has served to him like great muleta in which it has leaned under the right armpit and thus to have taken his first steps with the foot straight ahead, abriendo to way to the position-the impostura of being a public man that public to the men has only done of the power, but not the man that is he before and the power: Krauze was not ably critical to ask the Poet Patriarch to him of the poetry and the Mexican poets who will move away of the political and economic power, because somehow she did not want to remain abandoned of the shade of the patriarch. .

Motivator Par Excellence

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

It is certain that nobody trabajaria in a company if they do not pay to him. *** I have listened to people who say that: ” they work by necessity “. *** I have seen people who only knead money by the simple fact to feel ” seguras” economically. *** But ” not only on bread hombre” lives; . *** In this article will mention to him What deberia to be the real value of the money. usually is considered to the money as a booster one of external conduct (that is to say since you with your mascot do. If this it does ” suerte” that he has taught to him, you give a prize him. It is this case is but money).

*** This is certain in many cases, but not in all. So that. *** Imaginese you to a person whom it looks for to make much money by ” only fact of sentirse” that this progressing and being developed. For this person, the amount of money (AMOUNT) that obtains sera the indicator (INDICATING ) of its level of autorrealizacin, consequently the gained money becomes the measurement of whatever has managed to satisfy its personal needs. *** The money, in fact, is valuable by his ” value of intercambio” : each person obtains with the money which in particular interests to him. Some only look for money to satisfy their physiological needs (feeding, house, clothes).

*** Tries it mainly to Others to obtain to be able or prestige within the social group in which they develop. *** Also are some who wish to satisfy diverse types with necessity, like the security or independence. the money like incentive The money can be used like a powerful weapon of incertivo, if suitably is used it. *** That is to say, must bear relation to the effort realised by the person or the results secured by this. *** If worker manages to settle down the nexus between which he does and what he obtains, then the person ” aprende” the wished conduct. *** For this connection ” mental” , a series of systems of incentives has been devised. *** An example for the operative personnel of plant: The typical thing is to pay a fixed amount by produced unit, of way like the individual esfuerze to be increased its level of productivity in order to secure the money that wishes. *** In the case of the administrative personnel, but the common thing is to evaluate its merits to decide, with base to this evaluation, a certain level of economic compensation. *** Now Know you in that you use its personnel the money that receives? (To only eat), He considers it suitable so he realises (the nexus remembers)? He has not asked so that he feels (unconsciously) that, but early that behind schedule pediran an increase to him? *** Conoci a Manager who landed the subject to him, decia: ” He does not wake up the sleepy ghosts of the dissatisfaction, if you cannot do in front to them. ” ** Fodder that to the benefit of his company and of the labor climate of the same already is hour to respond to these questions.