Posts Tagged ‘vocational’

A Chance For New Writers?

Wednesday, April 17th, 2024

Here are some tips for aspiring writers. Additional information is available at Vlad Doronin. The aspiring author, rummages through the Internet, clicks from Publisher to Publisher. Always in the hope of somehow to accommodate his manuscript. Like he would talk with a Publisher or Publisher representatives. First, he dabbles with prestigious, large publishers.

“” “Nil: disappointment sneaking up, because in the large” the industry becomes an insignificant “rejected author mostly with the usual words you please or send your manuscript by mail” put off. There, where you no obligation just sends his manuscript, this ends up unfortunately usually in the shredder. Then he comes to publishers with huge presence and big names, who are only out to find authors. Authors who pay much money, accept your manuscript. But be careful! Not every author published”is serious. Many bring out the book, but the marketing and sales of the author himself must worry about. But how could he do that make? He can engage as an individual not in the distribution network of bookshops.

So hundreds copies of expensively acquired books are later at worst at home in the cellar and no one would like to have it. Or it will be in the new books on demand “procedures only on-demand printed and it retains a few a few copies, just placed in the circle of friends of the author.” Where now with the manuscript? It’s easier than you think: you try your luck at publishers who may draw the attention with a small indication that new authors are welcome. A good tip is the Working Group of smaller publishers (GAB) in the Stock Exchange Association of the German book trade. Although these publishers partly with grants or sponsors working, because you can not alone bear the risk of the cost, but these totals keep quite limited and they offer often much cheaper even all that big publishers offer. Only a few characteristics of good publishers are an ordinary publishing contract, a good editing, marketing, book fairs, and public relations. Try so your luck where you least suspect it. For example, at.

Protective Gloves Can Be Rented In

Saturday, April 6th, 2019

Protective gloves are an indispensable must in many occupations protective gloves be worn in numerous injuries and dirt to prevent the hands at work. For the firefighters, there are gloves that extend far beyond the wrist. In addition to the high protective function, comfort and dexterity must be ensured. Through the use of high-tech fibers, this is possible and of course through innovative manufacturing technology. Protective gloves for firefighters may not be less than a minimum length, which is set in EN 659 in section 3.2, and are manufactured in accordance with the General requirements of EN 420.

Protective gloves for the youth fire brigades must comply with the requirements of EN 388. The five finger glove must be reinforced at thumb, Palm, back of the hand and wrist. For industry and handicrafts are protective gloves, welding gloves, cut protection gloves, chemical resistant, dipped gloves, mounting gloves, leather gloves and knitted gloves manufactured. The selection appears first of all very large, but the hands in various ways must be protected in the various professions. Assembly gloves may not negatively impair the tactile sensitivity of the wearer.

Assembly gloves must also be secure grip. For this reason, the Palm with a non-slip dots or micro fine dots is provided at the knitting gloves for mechanics. More professions in the exercise of protective gloves be worn can be found in construction, transport industry, gardening and landscaping, metal processing, chemical industry and product protection. There are companies like the gloves rent the company Seitz. Detailed information about the range of protective gloves and their cleaning and rental can be found on For a company, the rent full supply of gloves means not only a reduction in costs, but also efficiency, logistics and quality. What has long been practiced in the Workwear is also at the protection gloves the cycle of a service chain.

Microsoft Certified Professional

Friday, December 21st, 2018

current Microsoft certifications for IT specialists Munich, 26.07.2011: Microsoft certifications are available for most Microsoft technologies and competence levels. They are used to demonstrate relevant skills black on white. Certified access to improved career options and global networks in addition to many other benefits along with other IT professionals. It is internationally recognised industry certificates that are in demand on the labour market. But what is actually behind the abbreviations? What certifications are currently available at Microsoft? And how are they together? The Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) certification status means that a candidate has filed a Microsoft certification and passed.

As a result, he receives individual access data to the Microsoft Learning Center, that shows him the next highest tests, he must discard to make a particular certification path in a Microsoft technology. MCP is a generic term for the certifications and is significant for the Microsoft Certified Professional program, which currently offers Microsoft. Generally there are 2 training track at Microsoft. One refers to the data processing program office. Here, start as a Microsoft Office Specialist, qualify then for the Microsoft Office specialist expert and finally to the Microsoft Office Specialist master. The 2nd training track Microsoft turns either developers or administrators (or users) and assessed their knowledge in dealing with a specific Microsoft technology. The lowest level in the certification hierarchy in the 2nd training track is the training path to the Microsoft technology associate. (MTA) Here give basic skills that are needed in dealing with a Microsoft technology.

On this basis there is called the certification to the Microsoft certified technology specialist (MCTS), also technology series. The MCTS certifications IT professionals focus on skills in specific technologies. The certifications, usually from 1 to 3 Tests exist, are available for in-depth knowledge and expertise in the entire range of technologies which are used. Microsoft technology specialists are able to implement a particular Microsoft technology, to create and to fix any problems with her.

IfM Better

Saturday, March 10th, 2018

Leibniz Institute for Marine Sciences (IfM-GEOMAR) extended another year Berlin, the cooperation with the better Betreut the 08.04.2011. After a year of successful cooperation between the Leibniz Institute of marine sciences (IfM-GEOMAR) and better supervised GmbH, both companies extend cooperation for a further year. The Institute of the University of Kiel is supported since April 2010 by Besser Betreut to improve compatibility of work and family for his employees. The better Betreut found the appropriate supervisor for the employees of IfM-GEOMAR in any situation quickly and easily. This service was well received both the employees and the employers. Around 750 employees (including approximately 400 scientists) were very pleased particularly with the care consultation and the emergency service.

In particular employees of scientific institutes have barely regulated service hours due to conferences or elaborate research topics. The family is suffering or there are smears taken at the professional use in purchase. The IfM-GEOMAR knows this problem and therefore its employees in the long term helps the better reconciliation of work and family. We are pleased about the successful cooperation with the IfM-GEOMAR. The extension of cooperation to another year for us is the confirmation that we do our job well and the corporate services by better serves the right solution for many institutions represents. “, so Manuel Nothelfer, Managing Director of better Betreut.” Apart from the IfM-GEOMAR, more scientific establishments rely on collaboration with the better Betreut. So, satisfied customers include the FH Brandenburg, the Graduate School of Leipzig (HHL) and the University Clinic Hamburg Eppendorf (UKE). About – better Betreut Besser Betreut offers TuV South tested solutions in the mediation and consultancy by family services, including in the areas of child care, tutoring, senior care, pet care, household and garden.

The company operates the largest maintainer database in the German-speaking area. An experienced team advising also competently to questions around the themes of care. BESSER Betreut helps the better reconciliation of work and family through the company service numerous firms and insurance companies. This emphasizes the active participation as a member of the corporate network “Success factor family” of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. Since 2007, the better Betreut supports families in more than 10 European countries. More info can be found on press requests Stephanie K.n better Betreut Roth first breed 9 10245 Berlin T: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-917 F: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-99 m: W: