The Environment

The intraverbal behavior can well be illustrated in a situation where we try to learn a new language. Then, when we want to say to the word ' ' comportamento' ' in English, we learn that the equivalent of this word in this language is ' ' behavior' '. However, exactly that of first time let us not make right to say this new word correctly, still yes we will have an example of a intraverbal behavior. That is, the fact of the word to have been said of correct form or is not irrelevant since that if it has promoted the association between the word ' ' comportamento' ' the word ' ' behavior' '. Matos (1991) adds despite the intraverbais behaviors are generated through intermittent reinforcing, of delayed form and generally after extensive emissions. The control, or to order, is operative a verbal one whose answers, which can be vocal or motor, they are emitted under the control of a state of privation or aversiva stimulation.

Additionally, these answers specify the stiffener consequences to be supplied for the listener. Thus, it is interesting to add that the control creates situations in the environment whose resulted they are favorable for the proper falante. We have an operative example of a verbal one of control when a person who possesss an important commitment very if comes across with its motionless wristwatch and then question for its colleague who hours are. The verbal behavior of tato, or to tatear, can be described as controlled a vocal or motor reply for a not-verbal discriminativo stimulaton that is followed by a generalized conditional stiffener stimulaton. The not-verbal stimulaton can be an object, an event, a property of an object or event, a person, a sensation, that is, some change in the sensorial field (Matos, 1991). The tato allows the falante to identify or to describe the characteristics of the environment physicist, of this form, the listener if favors of this relation to the measure that the falante supplies information to it concerning the environment in which he is inserted.

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