
Go Spain, will be easier and cheaper for foreign tourists, because they can acquire an international bond, with this they can travel on all high-speed lines at competitive prices. Through this fee flat, which will be offered by RENFE, and the network of cities AVE with bonds of 7, 14 or 21 days, also benefited from other kinds of discounts like: hotels, restaurants, theatres and shops, always and when are localities belonging to the network. The prices of the bonds are still not defined. Francisco Pulido, Mayor of Cuenca, estimated that the package of seven days can have a cost of 60 euros. Bid bonds, only you can purchase directly, i.e. without tour operators of means. The intension of this new tourism plan, is that foreign travelers can benefit from discounts in hotels, in this way, can enjoy cheap hotels, without depriving yourself of comforts. We are talking about hotel discounts of 10% during weekends and 15% during the week (with a minimum stay of two nights). Discounts in restaurants, on the other hand, will be located around 7%. In addition the network of cities bird has established an agreement with Turespana for 200,000 euros, this consists in promoting destinations with high speed in the offices of tourism of Spain abroad. The Mayor of Cuenca supports the benefits provided by the network of cities AVE (basin is part of this network), and stressed that one of the pillars which is allowing a little sustain tourism activities in Spain and especially in Cuenca, is foreign tourism.


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