UAH Roof

There are companies that offer a guarantee for metal more than 10 years. As a rule, it is crucial when choosing a company: if the prices of all are the same, should pay attention to this approach to warranty and customer service. Market of metal – enough highly competitive environment, leaders in each region had long been decided, so the quality of services highly enough to any company that you are "on the ear." If you had to buy metal roofing and order its delivery, the next step should be to calculate the cost of its installation. It is impossible to give definitive advice to all, but from experience we can say that the quality of metal roof installation cost not less than 14 thousand hryvnia. K example, all materials and work on the roof of a neighbor's home area of 8×8 m – replacement of rafters and forests, laying insulation and roof cost about 28 thousand UAH. Bonding metal to a more modest neighbor: house 5×8 m, with an area of 120 square roof.

m cost $ 19 thousand UAH. This cost of the work on Osokorki (suburban district of Kiev). At the same time work in the first case amounted to three weeks, the second – about 10 days. And this, given that all had been brought and prepared by the customers, according to the recommendations on the choice of metal and consumables for professional companies engaged in roofing. Speaking in general about the cost of works on installation of metal in the metropolitan area such services are expensive and not everyone can afford to gardeners. For example, the dismantling of metal laying slate and processing of forest would cost at least 80-90 hryvnia for "square". Quilting gidrobarer and mineral wool – 30-40 hryvnia per one square meter. Installation of sewers – at least 25-30 hryvnia for one meter.

Making the rafters and scaffolding – 50-60 hryvnia per square meter, installation of the forest – from 13-16 hryvnia per square meter. In addition to your estimate on a roof should include a lot of supplies (nails, screws, etc.). The process of counting estimates for the laying of the roof the same rigorous as the selection of metal. Having to buy a roof, you have already seen that the selection metallocherpitsy best left to professionals. The same advice can be given in the case of calculating the estimates for the packing of metal – the price is better to learn from professionals, and in general such a calculation is best left to their shoulders. At As you just get the real cost of the installation of metal, saving time and, most importantly, nerves.

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