Water For Homes

Happy owners of country houses, villas or cottages know how important it is to have a private house a permanent source of clean water for their needs. Because water is used primarily for personal use rights (drinking, cooking, sanitation purposes (washing, cleaning)) for irrigation areas, vegetable gardens and in small and large industries can continue indefinitely. And lately especially important role in the life of pure water rights, as more and more polluted atmosphere, soil, food, etc. Whereas previously you could just dig a pit in the country, and use them for several decades for their needs without compromising the health of man, at the moment the situation has changed dramatically. Upper aquifers of the soil, where the diversion of water from wells, is often contaminated by industrial waste, human waste … And often the only way out of this situation is to drill their own wells. Well for home and industrial wells are different and in this article we will describe in detail the advantages and disadvantages of both wells types.

For home use 2 types of wells: wells in the sand (sand wells) and wells in limestone (artesian wells). Wells in the sand is used when it is necessary to organize the supply of small houses, watering small areas cottages, where there is no need large amounts of water. Drilling wells in the sand is at a shallow depth, it is mostly 15-30 meters, which are affected first water-bearing strata (sand horizons) hence the name – well on the sand.

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