Webster Stage

In accordance with Becker (2001) some scholars have salient the great challenge in the hour of if studying the subject and, over all, of avali- lo of more systematic, objective e, also measurable form. above-mentioned characteristics remember in them that to be creative it demands to articulate cognition and affection, route to the new, the different one, with an intention, an objective. In this perspective, the education has excellent paper as we will see in the item that follows. To create is basically to form. Is to be able to give to form something new (…) the creative act encloses, therefore, the capacity to understand; this in turn, to relate, to command, to configure, to mean (OSTROWER, 1996). The creativity as it defines the Webster, is basically the process to make, to give the life (MAY, 1982, pg.39). We can perceive that the above explicitados concepts point different angles of the creativity, related to the cognitivas and affective capacities, as we point out in the introduction of this chapter. How if of the o process of the creation? It has very, the scholars come trying to unmask the steps of the creative process.

Already in 1900 Ribot it considered models for the creative processes, in 1910 also John Dewey presented a study in this direction. However, he was the mathematician English of century XIX, Henry Poincar that established the four basic steps for the creative solution of problems. 1 stage-Preparation: that she is related with the conscientious immersion, initial that the person makes to find the solution of the problem with which she comes across. It is the stage of the internal mobilization to expand limits and to go beyond what already she knows yourself on the subject. Therefore, many times this period brings anguish, emptiness and until blockade. 2 stage Incubation: it is the moment to ripen, of gestar the ideas conceived in the previous stage.


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